Taco Bell Is Very Serious About Making the Taco Emoji Happen

Taco Bell is making big moves in order to be sure that the taco emoji happens. After the Unicode Consortium announced in November 37 potential new emoji, including a taco, Taco Bell wants to be positive that its namesake menu item makes it to the final list. The company has made a petition on Change.org explaining why the emoji absolutely must happen, noting:

"Why do pizza and hamburger lovers get an emoji but taco lovers don't? Here's a better question: why do we need four different types of mailboxes? Or 25 different types of clocks? Or a VCR tape and floppy disk emoji? No one even uses those things anymore."

It's just a few thousand signatures away from meeting the 25,000 goal, so if your heart is in the taco emoji cause, sign your name.

5,000 signatures to go. Sign the petition for a #TacoEmoji. http://t.co/jJKvwxCFOE pic.twitter.com/MAFBhLd1vF

— Taco Bell (@tacobell) January 5, 2015