You Can Now Watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens With BB-8, and It's Amazing

Falling in love with BB-8 was probably the best part about watching the latest film. My love, and plenty of other people's, only increased for the little droid after robotics company Sphero released an actual version of BB-8. The toy instantly sold out, and soon videos of BB-8 strolling around offices and homes became popular. Now, the fun with Sphero's BB-8 gets better, as the droid can now watch and react to Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

To do so, first update the BB-8 App. Then, make sure you've given the app permission to access your phone or tablet's microphone. After that, activate the "Watch With Me" feature and BB-8 will listen carefully for certain parts of the movie to react to. The droid will express happy, sad, and other emotions both with its head and sound. The app will also tell you fun facts about characters in the movie.


This should solve any problems you have rewatching the film, whether it's for the second or 20th time.