This App Knows Who Will Win the World Cup

Today will decide who gets third place in this year's World Cup tournament (follow the game here at 1 p.m. PDT). Then Germany and Argentina will go head-to-head in a very dramatic final on Sunday, July 13 at noon. The app certainly predicted the US vs. Belgium match correctly (and we weren't very happy about it).

Source: Getty / Ian MacNicol

Cortana is Windows Phone's answer to Siri, a smart, voice-enabled feature that is constantly learning things about its user and what's happening around the world. Windows program manager Marcus Ash shared that Cortana is now predicting World Cup matches — and has already forecasted four out of four games correctly.

She's using Bing's new predictions engines, which weighs a team's previous win/loss/tie record in international competition, along with the margin of victory in these matches. Incredible details like home field advantage, or proximity to home field, weather conditions, and playing surface are also taken into consideration. It's a huge amount of data that's synthesized into one conclusion: who will win the World Cup? Source: Twitter user @marcusash