New Mom Blake Lively Steps Out For an Inspiring Cause


While Blake Lively has certainly been busy with her newborn daughter and the launch of her website, Preserve, she's still finding time to give back. Blake is set to appear in the upcoming PBS series The Path Appears, which deals with victims and survivors of sex trafficking in the United States. "I thought of sex trafficking as something that happened elsewhere," Blake says. "To see it happening in the United States, it seems sort of impossible. You can't fathom that this is sort of a prevalent issue, because where are these girls coming from?" Watch the entire clip below.

Blake also reveals, "The most powerful thing is for women not just to be the beneficiaries of the change, but to be agents of it. My Life My Choice is such a powerful organization because it utilizes survivors. We're not going to save all the children overnight, but these women will raise their children to be more educated, to be more aware. And it breaks the cycle." Keep reading to see the heartwarming photo Blake shared on Instagram.

"Thank you everyone for the well wishes in this special time! Send some love to our girls in Boston tonight at My Life My Choice. They are the face of empowerment. Watch, A Path Appears, tonight on PBS at 10pm EST, please. I promise the stories from these girls will change your lives like they did mine. #girlpower #apathappears #halfthesky #changeisnow."

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