6 Times Ed Sheeran's Comments About Cherry Seaborn Were Cute Enough to Be Lyrics

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Given how romantic Ed Sheeran's songs are, it should come as no surprise that the 26-year-old is just as passionate about his relationships in real life. Since shooting to fame in 2011, the British singer-songwriter has had a string of hookups and girlfriends, but none has appeared as serious as his current relationship with Cherry Seaborn (pictured above). The former high school classmates took their friendship to the next level in September 2015, after which Cherry relocated from America to her native UK to be with him. Now that Ed has released his third album, Divide, he's finally begun opening up about their relationship, and it sounds incredibly sweet.

  • On having both a booming career and happy love life: "I always thought to have a really good career, you always had to be incredibly unhappy, and I always thought to be really happy, you had to have a bad career, because I didn't see the balance of the two. And I've realized that that's obviously bullsh*t, and just what you tell yourself to justify it. I live with Cherry now. We've got cats, we have takeaways and watch movies, we have people round for dinner. I've never had that."
  • On Cherry keeping him grounded: "It's awesome meeting famous people. But that's not life. That's not reality. One day this will f*cking end. And I know the one person that's going to remain constant is Cherry. I should just enjoy this while it's there, but not let it become my reality. Because that's not the reality I want to live in."
  • On having a girlfriend who adapts to his lifestyle: "One of the main points of being in a relationship with me, you have to be really f*cking sociable and good at talking to people, because I will be dragged away loads at parties and events. And Cherry's perfect at it. She makes friends with everyone."
  • On delaying his career for love: "This has been the first time I've actually had the time to fall in love properly. So the catalyst of taking a year off was also the fact that my partner quit her job in New York — which she's now got back in London, which is really cool — but we were just basically like, let's quit our jobs and have a year of forming a tight bond. So we went traveling and spent every day for a year together."
  • On getting together with Cherry at the right time: "I've probably had three days apart from her in the last year . . . but we're very, very strong. I've never been happier. I've never been more comfortable. I've never been more inspired. I feel like everything's fallen into place, and it's fallen into place because I've given it the time to fall into place."
  • On having a family together: "I wanted to be a dad, like, last year. I'm ready, let's go — tour bus babies, little fat, chubby babies that just walk around."
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