Anna Camp Describing Her Favorite Gift From Skylar Astin Might Actually Bring a Tear to Your Eye

Getty | Michael Buckner

Skylar Astin and Anna Camp make one adorable pair, and their picture-perfect romance has only gotten sweeter since they tied the knot in September. As the Pitch Perfect costars prepare for their first holiday season as husband and wife, POPSUGAR had a chance to sit down with them on behalf of Amex Blue Cash Everyday to discuss their favorite gifts they've given to each other over the years, how marriage has surprised them, and of course, the upcoming Pitch Perfect 3. See their sweetest quotes below.

POPSUGAR: The last time we spoke was before your wedding. What is the best part about being a married couple?
Anna Camp: Oh my gosh, there's so many things!
Skylar Astin: It's just an amazing thing to have this love that we've always had be official now. It feels like we are one team and we've come together in such a beautiful way. And we've brought our families together. It's just really another level of this journey.
AC: I totally agree. I think there's such a closeness that happens. Especially if they leave town or go away, you can look down and see your ring and feel connected to them in a way that maybe you couldn't before.

"It feels like we are one team and we've come together in such a beautiful way."

PS: Has marriage surprised you in any way?
SA: Sure! We always say that nothing has changed, yet everything has changed at the same time. And our actual wedding had such a reverence and a beauty to it. We'll always look back on that day with such fondness. It was such a beautiful place to start.

PS: What are you most looking forward to about spending the holidays together as a married couple?
AC: We have a house. We bought a house together. We never lived together before we lived in this house, so it's just really cool to see all our things together and to just be under one roof that is ours. We just put up our Christmas tree and it looks so beautiful. It's nice to be in one spot and bring all of our friends together. It's just great to see how we could bring these two different groups of people together and now they're becoming friends.

PS: Do you have any holiday traditions or do you plan on creating any?
SA: Well, I'm from New York and she's from South Carolina, so we definitely have our own traditions. I'm actually Jewish, so we do Hanukkah as well, but this year we're thinking of doing a little bit of a dinner party around Christmas Eve for our friends, who were all in the wedding, and our closest family members.

PS: What is your favorite gift you've ever received from each other?
SA: There is this beautiful watch that I wear every single day that was her wedding gift to me. She engraved it with our dates and our favorite thing that we like to say to each other, and I will never, ever leave this thing. It's one of the greatest things I have.
AC: Aww! For me, it was one of the first presents you ever gave me. It was a beautiful little rose gold necklace. It was the first time you ever gave me little diamonds, like any piece of jewelry, and it just holds so much sentimental value. We've been together for almost four years now, but for the first two years, I never took it off and it hurt so bad every time I had to take it off to like go on set or play a role. I didn't want to remove it because it became such a symbol of his love for me.

"I didn't want to remove it because it became such a symbol of his love for me."

PS: What is your favorite Christmas song to sing?
AC: I love "Jingle Bell Rock."
SA: Gosh, there's so many. There's like the classic Frank Sinatra songs, but the one that's coming to my head right now is Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You." Who doesn't want to dance to that? Also, when we were hanging our ornaments on our tree this year, we were blasting *NSYNC's Christmas album.
AC: Yes, we were. It holds up. It really holds up. No lie. And I made some amazing apple cider.
SA: Anna makes some incredible Goldschläger apple cider that she puts all these apples and cranberries in it. With that and *NSYNC, it was like —
AC: — Perfect harmony!

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