All the Creepy Posters We've Seen For American Horror Story: Cult


This week brings us closer to American Horror Story: Cult, and, frankly, we're terrified. Ever since the title surfaced at Comic-Con, the flow of unsettling details and teasers and more has been pretty constant. But some of the most disturbing imagery from Cult, at least so far, has come in the form of the season's official posters. Straight from the AHS Twitter account (and creator Ryan Murphy), here's everything we've seen and what it could possibly mean.

"Be of Like Mind"

The first poster of the season shows a brain that's been replaced with a beehive. "Be of like mind," says the caption. We conducted an in-depth analysis of the poster, which quite obviously alludes to what is known as a hive mind. We'll spare the full explanation, but it basically could mean the subjects of this cult are being brainwashed and forced to answer to some kind of false leader.

"We Have Our Eyes on You"

The second poster follows along the same lines as the first. The caption used with the poster is, again, pretty ominous: "We have our eyes on you." This again seems to reference the hive mind, spinning the cult members as worker bees. Also, it's worth homing in on those tiny, disturbing holes in this person's face. They relate back to a snap Murphy shared a while ago, which says, "American Horror Story Holes." This ties into a pretty common fear: trypophobia is an aversion to small holes and clusters of holes.

Blindfolded Clowns

Cult's third poster is striking, even if it's a little on the nose. Everyone in the image shares the same similar clown makeup that's running through as a theme in this strange clown cult. The blindfolds connect to the blind-mob mentality that makes a collective group of people so terrifying. I also find it interesting that the posters (and a lot of the other imagery) seem to have a strong color palette: red, blue, and yellow. It's most likely a reference to our two political parties in America, but we'll have to keep an eye out for anything else it could signify.

"Wrap Yourself in Us"

The fourth poster further expands on the idea that when you join a cult, you have to go all in and effectively dedicate yourself completely to the organization, leaving little room for anything else to enter (or influence) your life.

"Have a Taste"

While the other posters have definitely given us pause, the final one is perhaps the most disturbing to look at. While a woman sporting makeup and hair in the familiar color scheme cries blue tears, her animal-like tongue stretches out of her mouth. The caption, "Have a taste," hints that once you experience this cult only a little bit, you'll want to come back for more. Her tongue also sports holes, which, again, ties into an earlier theme.

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