16 Signs You Should Finally Break Up With That TV Show


Most TV shows are on a Winter hiatus, so there's no better time to make a decision about that show that you're watching that you just don't feel the same way about. Listen, we've all been there. You've been together a long time, and slowly but surely, the passion starts to fade. When you spend time together, it feels like a chore. Maybe you've started to feel like it's stringing you along with lies and half-truths. Maybe you're not even excited when it gets renewed for another season. In fact, maybe you're kind of disappointed. Does this sound familiar? Are you trying to figure out if it's time to call it quits on a TV show? We're here to help you assess your relationship and begin the breakup process.


You Really Want to Stop, but You Can't Seem to Find a Way

You've already been through so much together, right?


You Start Rolling Your Eyes Multiple Times Per Episode

"Ugh. This again?"


You've Stopped Watching the Episodes as They Air Live

You don't have time. It's not your fault. You'll get to it eventually.


When You Do Watch, You're Just Hate-Tweeting the Whole Time

"Ugh. @MyFavoriteShow is so bad now."


You Start Scrolling Instagram/Twitter/Facebook During the Commercials — and Don't Even Stop When It's Back

"I'm watching, I swear!" Then you have to go back and rewatch entire scenes because you're not paying attention.


The Episodes Just Start Piling Up in Your DVR

It's like an endless assault of new episodes.


You Stop Anticipating New Seasons and Start Dreading Them

Ugh, it's back already?!


You Can Pinpoint the Exact Moment Everything Started Going Downhill

Down to the season, possibly even the episode.


All of Your Friends Stopped Watching . . .


And They Won't Even Watch It With You

They're all really "busy."


You Can't Even Get on Board With the New Characters

Nope. Hate them all.


You're Literally Excited About Zero Percent of the New Storylines

What even is this romance? Who even is this villain?


You'd Rather Wash the Dishes or Exercise Than Catch Up

Anything and everything is a higher priority.


You're Not Even Mad About Spoilers Anymore

"Wait, who dies? Oh. Cool."


You're Only Reading Recaps to Make Sure You're Not Missing Anything Important

You also count this as "watching the episode."


Eventually, You Just Have to Realize It's Time to Let Go

This isn't fun for anyone anymore.

Just Hold Tight to the Fact That You're Going to Feel So Much Better When You're Done

It's going to be OK. One day you'll find a TV show that you love unconditionally.

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