Chrissy Teigen Called Out the Man Who Took Photos of Her Pumping – From Inside Her Car

Chrissy Teigen is used to people taking her picture, and because of her fame, she has accepted that some people will snap a photo that she doesn't like. But what happened to her last night, while she was pumping breastmilk while sitting inside her car, was inexcusable – and the star said as such.

"To the man who took photos into our car as I was topless and pumping, you can go f*ck yourself if you sell them," she wrote in a since-deleted tweet. "If I wanted to show you my salami nipples I'd show you my salami nipples on my own doing!"

When a Twitter commenter encouraged Chrissy to share a photo of herself pumping – something she has done several times before – to take the "wind outta that fool's sails," the star explained why this was such an offense. "[It's] just so creepy to be sitting in a car, dark out, and see flashes and a dude."

Still, she said she's "definitely happy to" share photos of herself pumping. "It's most of my day!" she joked.

But, somehow, there were still those on Twitter who said that because she has posted her own similar photos online, she shouldn't be upset, or even weirder – that she should get tinted windows and that because she wasn't in her own garage, she has no room to complain.

To that, we'll let Chrissy see this jerk out:

Yes jerry. Die on this hill. This is what you should stand up for. A man's right to shoot his camera into my (tinted) car. This is a great cause.

— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) July 10, 2018

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