These Adorable, Customized Books Are the Perfect Way to Teach Kids About Their Ancestors

Cuento Books
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For many parents, it's important to pass on the legacy of their own moms and dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family members to their children. But where to begin? It's tough to find a starting point with young kids, especially when loved ones have passed away. I'm not a mother yet (and, knock on wood, won't be for a while), but I often think about the details I want to share with my children someday about their ancestors. That's why, when a friend shared information about Cuento Books, I got so excited.

Cuento Books, created by Stephany Pando, is an Etsy business that creates custom books about a family member of your choice with information you provide. The brand's toddler-friendly board books caught my eye, with their colorful illustrations, sturdy pages, and straightforward text. The books can tell your loved one's story: from their birthplace and career to their favorite holiday and hobby.

According to the Cuento Books Etsy page, interested shoppers can send in a photo of the person they'd like to feature and complete a questionnaire to help build each page. At $60 to $75 per book, the price is definitely steeper than your average kid's read, but the contents will be unique and individualized to your own family. Take a peek at a few examples ahead. The best time to teach kids about the past is the present.

Take a Peek Inside of a Cuento Book

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