Dad Sees Dog’s Toy Outside, Finds Its Pulse, Performs CPR, Hooks It Up to an IV, and OMG, This Story

A dad is going viral on Twitter after his daughter shared a family text exchange in which her father outlined an emergency situation with . . . their dog's stuffed animal. "I have sad news . . . I found one of Lucky's babies outside," Michaella's dad texted his family, alongside a photo of the sopping wet stuffed bear. From there it only got sillier, and honestly, more moving.

"I found a slight pulse, I'm doing CPR," her dad texted before announcing "I SAVED HIS LIFE." But it was the photo updates that really had Michaella and her mom scratching their heads and, quite frankly, judging the hero. In one photo, Lucky and the family's other dog are essentially holding vigil by the bear's bedside while he's hooked up to what looks like an IV.

"Where the hell did you get that thing?" Michaella asked him. "He's not a 'thing!' I saved HIS life," her dad responded. Michaella clarified that she was referring to "the arm thing," so her dad told her that he crafted the makeshift IV himself. Meanwhile, Michaella's mom barely managed to get out an "omg" during the exchange.

How do we get into this hilarious family? See Michaella's original tweet and some of the most hilarious reactions to the entire ordeal ahead.

Reactions to the Text Exchange

Michaella's Original Tweets

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