Why This Mom's $717 Bill to Her Son Is Going Viral

No matter the age, sometimes kids need a dose of tough love to get their attitudes in check. After bragging about making his own money and lying about doing his homework, Aaron Havisham, a 13-year-old from Australia, learned his lesson the hard way.

In an epic letter that his mom posted to Facebook, Estella (she goes by a pen name to protect her identity) presented Aaron with a monthly bill for $717 — not including a potential $30 maid fee — and an explanation that itemized his new expenses and daily responsibilities. In the stern note, she made her expectations clear that if he wanted to continue acting like a roommate rather than a respectful child, he'd have to pay up.

"Since you seem to have forgotten that you are only 13 and I'm the parent, and that you won't be controlled, I guess you will need to learn a lesson in independence," the letter starts out. "Also, as you threw in my face that you are making money now, it will be easier to buy back all the items I bought for you in the past. If you would like your lamp/lightbulbs or access to the internet, you will need to pay your share of costs."

The viral message — which was left outside her son's door to find when he woke up the next morning — has made a clear statement: don't mess with mom!

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