This Mom Donated Over 16,000 Ounces of Breast Milk, and Rightfully, Is "Beyond Proud"

Amanda McBroom Photography

Christina Nichter is a mother of two from Great Falls, MT, who's become the self-proclaimed "Milk Momma" after her story about donating over 16,000 ounces of breast milk, featured on Love What Matters, went viral. But before being able to produce so much milk, Christina's breastfeeding journey was actually a roller coaster. When she had her first son, Cooper, she had issues breastfeeding. "I dried up by six months and was extremely upset that I couldn't provide for him," she told POPSUGAR. With her second child, Jayden, it was a complete 180. "I had the extra to give, and if it helped lift some of that stress from them I wanted to help do that," she said.

Just two weeks after giving birth, Christina had over 250 ounces of frozen breast milk. "I was producing 70-plus ounces a day and steadily increasing everyday. It was then that I decided I needed to help other babies," she wrote on Facebook. "I went to our local NICU, called multiple milk banks, and reached out to many lactation consultants. I finally got a message from the Mother's Milk Bank of Montana. I completed the interview and blood draw process and made my first donation."

"There's always that point of wanting to give up, but I knew that I wanted to provide fresh milk to my little one for a year, and if that meant extra milk to give I was all for it."

After that, Christina set a goal of donating 5,000 ounces, which quickly turned into 10,000, then 100 gallons! She surpassed them all, but decided after 10 months of continuous donations that she was going to slow down so she could spend more time with her sons. "There's always that point of wanting to give up, but I knew that I wanted to provide fresh milk to my little one for a year, and if that meant extra milk to give I was all for it," she said.

At the end of her journey, Christina had donated 128 gallons of breast milk. If you do the math, that's 16,384 ounces, which equals 1,024 pounds of milk! She told us what she loved the most wasn't reaching such high quantities of milk, though; rather, it was getting to meet some of the mothers who were receiving her breast milk for their babies: "The most satisfying thing has been meeting amazingly strong and beautiful mommas. I've become great friends with them and wouldn't change my experience at all."

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