These Photos of a Natural Home Birth After a C-Section Are Truly Amazing

Marysol Blomerus Photography

In South Africa, photographer Marysol Blomerus witnessed and captured Cornelia's very special home water birth. After having an emergency c-section with her daughter Sadie, Cornelia knew she wanted to try to do things differently with her second birth — she wanted to do it naturally.

Marysol says, "I am thankful to the clients who do choose to share their stories because they help women get an idea of what birth is like, what siblings meeting is like, what a certain hospital or a home environment is like" — so when when Cornelia contacted her to be her birth photographer for the home birth, she knew that she was going to be telling an inspiring story, as Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) are rare in South Africa, Home Birth After Cesarean (HBAC) even more so.

Some c-sections are necessary and lifesaving. Some are well chosen for private reasons and I respect that implicitly. However, some are unnecessary with no choices given, often leaving wounds and deep unanswered questions. For Cornelia, she was determined that this time would be different.

And that determination paid off — the birth went just as planned, and Cornelia had baby Jordan at home, naturally. Read on to see photos and a video of the beautiful home birth, and meet baby Jordan.

Vaginal Home Birth after Cesarean - HBAC {Jordan} | Cape Town Home Birth Photographer

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