17 Reasons to Take Care of Your Kids' Toys

Between birthdays, holidays, and "just because" days, parents spend hundreds – heck, thousands — on toys for their children. And while it may feel like a waste of money (how many kids lose interest after a few days of play?), it may not be a total loss. Folks are more than willing to fork over their hard-earned cash for a piece of nostalgia, meaning that Frozen playset you bought today could be a gold mine in a few decades. Don't believe us? We scoured the Internet — or, more accurately, eBay — to see what the toys from our childhood are worth today. And while some didn't exceed the original price, others are worth more than we could have ever imagined. If you own any of these classic toys, you may want to consider putting them up for auction ASAP — and you might want to encourage your kids to take better care of their toys! Source: Shutterstock


American Girl Dolls

The basic models of original characters like Kirsten, Molly, and Samantha are often sold for $200, but if you throw in all their outfits and accessories, you could make up to $5,000.


Pokémon Trading Cars

Serious gamers are willing to pay $150,000 for rare cards, like this Pikachu.


Fisher-Price Chatter Toy

If you were lucky enough to own this colorful phone, you could sell it for $60.


Teddy Ruxpin Plush

Straight from the '80s, this animatronic toy is often sold for $50, give or take a few bucks.


Easy-Bake Oven

Selling your 1960's model could help you earn $125, which is more than enough to buy the updated version.


Barbie Dolls

The price of the traditional figurines average anywhere from $50 to $100, but the collector editions (like this Inuit model) can earn you $450.



Provided you have most of the pegs and a few of the fill-in sheets, you could make almost $100 on your Lite-Brite.


Nintendo Game Boy

Hardcore fans are willing to shell out $1,890 for this beloved gaming system.



Collectors are willing to pay up to $700 for an unopened version of the talkative toy.


My Little Pony

This ain't your toddler's quadruped. The original sparkly horse comes with a $999 price tag.


Cabbage Patch Kids

Though not as pricey as we anticipated, an unused Cabbage Patch doll can go for $75.


Pound Puppies

Though the four-legged friends are making a comeback, people are still willing to pay $450 for the orphaned dogs.


Polly Pocket

Polly and her pint-sized friends are hot-ticket items, and their dream homes are often on the market for up to $500.



Because these electronic pets are still somewhat popular, you can only make $50 at most.


Garbage Pail Kids Cards

If you're willing to part with these grotesque trading cards, you could earn up to $2,750.


Metal Lunchboxes

Depending on the character, you could make a pretty penny off of your old lunch pail. This box and thermos set featuring the Beatles, for example, is worth $2,000.


Beanie Babies

Beanie Babies are probably the biggest thing to come out of the 1990s, and the price on these animals varies. While the more common ones aren't worth much, a collectible like this Princess Diana bear could be sold for up to $200,000!

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