How a Girl Completely Shut Down Her Sister's Bullies With a Simple "Invitation"

fucking savage 12 year old girl im babysitting destroyed these bitches

— daisy (@daisybhelm) April 23, 2016

When a 12-year-old girl learned that her sister was being bullied, this protective sibling used her hands to intervene: by writing them a powerful message.

On a piece of cheerful pink paper, Ava formally invited a group of girls to "stop being jerks to my sister!" To make things perfectly clear for the four kids who were bothering her sister, Ava provided specific details including:

When: Right Now!
Where: Everywhere!
What to Bring: Bring your nasty attitude and throw it right in the trash can.
Why: You guessed it folks, you're being jerks!

She also included cheeky RSVP details ( as well as an option if they aren't able to attend. "If you can't make it, don't worry, you are welcome to come to my angry and emotional seventh grader wrath instead," she wrote.

But for the final punch, Ava wrote "stop" in 20 different languages on the back of the invitation. Ava's proud babysitter shared the handwritten card on Twitter, and many are still applauding the creative way this preteen had her sister's back.

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