Soccer Players Prank Their Autistic Classmate, but No One's Laughing


Who's to blame for bullying: the children who do it or the adults who do nothing to stop it? That's the question being asked at a Pittsburgh high school this week, after several students duct-taped their autistic classmate to a goalpost. Austin Babinsack, the victim, says several soccer players taped his hands and legs to the post Sunday evening at the Highlands High School soccer fields. The players quickly left (but not before taking a few photos of their work), leaving Austin to free himself.

"I was really shaken," Austin tells a local news outlet. "I thought I was gonna be stuck there for a long time." Fortunately, an off-duty Pennsylvania State Trooper found the 16-year-old and set him free. Two of the players have received a five-day suspension for their actions, but Austin's mother, Kristy, doesn't think they are the only ones to blame.

"I feel the coach knew," Kristy says of soccer coach Jim Turner, who wasn't present at the time of the incident. "He knows that it's been going on. We have to hold the adults accountable first before we can hold the kids accountable." Learn how to talk to your kids about bullying.

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