Mom Warns Parents After Her 6-Week-Old Developed an "Easily Missed" Infection

Beth Foster

Beth Foster's daughter, Myah, was merely 6 weeks old when the baby developed bronchiolitis, a terrible infection that affects the small air passages in the lungs and makes it difficult to breathe, especially for infants. Bronchiolitis landed Myah in the hospital, and now, her mother is on a mission to warn other parents about the symptoms of the ailment so they can take action before it's too late.

It all started at a Christmas party, where Myah had a "coughing fit and her face turned purple for around 15 seconds," Beth explained in a now-viral Facebook post. "Myah was using muscles in her tummy to help her to breath that she shouldn't even be using to breathe. I've never seen a baby's tummy pumping so fast fighting for the breaths, and I've never been so scared."

As soon as Beth noticed the purple color of her baby's face, she called emergency services and doctors instructed her to go straight to the hospital. When she arrived, Myah's blood oxygen levels were checked, and she was immediately rushed to get more oxygen. "I was told they're surprised she didn't end up in an ambulance. We had no clue how serious this all was until that point," Beth confessed. Baby Myah had to spend the following days "hooked up to lots of machines, on the high dependency unit in the children's ward, on oxygen, feeding tubes and having to be sedated just to get some sleep."

In her Facebook post about Myah's unfortunate experience with bronchiolitis, Beth noted how the ailment is "so easily missed and so bloody dangerous. It starts with just a simple cough and cold and can turn to so much more within hours." Beth ended her Facebook post with an urgent suggestion for all parents with babies or small children: "Even if your baby has a slight cough or cold, just get checked out."

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