12 Times My Kids Always Call Me Out

As a parent, one of my jobs is to teach my children to act and behave well, but the fact that I'm not always a perfect specimen of this myself makes it easier said than done. Literally. And because kids are the most observant creatures on the planet, they have no issue calling out their parents when they see a flaw in the system (mine don't at least). We've all had our oopsie moments in parenting, so which of the the following have your kiddos called you out on? Source: Shutterstock

Saying a Banned Word

I tell my kids that we don't say words like stupid or hate in our family. So when I bust out a phrase like, "This stupid cable never works, ugh, I hate Comcast!" My kids both look at me and point, "Mommmmmmmy, you said . . . " Source: Flickr user kelticsol

Wearing Pajamas Out of the House

Look, my pajamas usually consist of leggings and a tunic-like top, so it's not like I'm trying to get away with wearing my flannel jammies out and about, but regardless my children will always call me out on it. Source: Flickr user Alice Carrier

Sneaking in a Sweet Right Before Dinner

I tell my kids that they can not have candy, cake, dessert, or whatever the obsession of the day is before dinner all the time. But sometimes I'll pop a cookie in my mouth when I think no one is looking while preparing dinner, which is usually when I hear, "Mom, what are you eating?" My kids have even gone as far as to use my very own go-to mommy move, "Can I smell your breath?" Source: Flickr user Andy Rennie

Tossing Their Artwork

The mountains of artwork that parents receive from their children is substantial, and it's nearly impossible to keep each scribble piece of paper, so I do toss the bulk of it. I cannot tell you how many times one of my children has found their masterpiece on top of the trash and come stomping to me with anger. To which I say, "Oh, Daddy must have done it." Source: Flickr user Tony Alter

Not Eating Breakfast

I would like my children to eat all their meals because if they don't they will self-destruct before realizing they are hungry. Me, I'm not a big breakfast person (or I'll eat it after they are at school), but my kids have definitely taken to asking why mommy doesn't have to eat breakfast too. Doh! Source: Flickr user Eve

Sighing Loudly

Another thing my children do that bugs me is when they sigh loudly when they are annoyed at something. I asked my daughter where on earth she picked up such a bad habit, and she said, "You do it, Mommy!" So now we're working on not sighing as a family . . . Source: Flickr user TMAB2003

Wearing the Same Shirt a Few Days in a Row

I don't usually allow my kids to wear the same thing over and over (and over and over again) because they destroy their clothes after one wear — and because they have a closet full of adorable clothes that I'd like to see the light of day. However, being that I am an adult and that I do not get my clothing all soiled after one or two wears, I'll often wear the same shirt or pants for a day or two in a row. It never fails that my oldest child will point it out and say it's not fair, to which I reply, "When you do the laundry, we'll talk." Source: Flickr user Brian Birke

Not Always Saying Excuse Me

I've taught my children that after you burp or fart, the proper thing to follow would be, "Excuse me." They've listened; too well. Now, while I do like that they call my husband out on this all the time, I'm not as big of a fan of it when I'm trying to be discreet in a public place and they yell, "Mom, you farted. You have to say excuse me!" Source: Flickr user Arielle Calderon

Forgetting About "Magical" Things

Between Santa, the Elf of the Shelf, the Switch Witch, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and whatever other magical being that I have to pretend exists, you can bet there are some slip-ups. It's almost like my children have radars for this kind of slip-up though; they'll say, "Mom, why would you get that for my stocking? Doesn't Santa do that?" Or "Mom, why does the Tooth Fairy have your handwriting?" Uhhhhhhh . . . Source: Flickr user LadyDragonflyCC - >;

Gossiping About Others

I try not to gossip at all, especially in front of my children, but it is hard. A mention of the neighbors new outfit (even if it's a compliment) will have my children saying, "Mom, remember, it's not nice to talk about people behind their backs." Source: Flickr user Nate Grigg

Putting My Hands on My Hips

I don't know why, but there is something that I find so sassy about a child who puts her hands on her hips when she is mad. It's something I tell my child to stop doing all the time, except guess where she got it from? Dear old mom. Source: Flickr user Quinn Dombrowski

Being Rude With My Phone

I will agree with the tots here, I am guilty of this one 100 percent. I feel like dirt when my children point out how much I'm on my phone — and always vow to be better about it. Source: Flickr user Guian Bolisay

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