We've Never Seen Anyone Do This With a Hula Hoop and a Pull-Up Bar

Pull-ups are hard enough on their own, without adding a . . . wait for it . . . hula hoop to the mix! This video of Getti Kehayova floored us! She's a hard-working mom with two jobs, one of which is a stage rigger for Cirque du Soleil. As you can see from the above video, she has a few impressive tricks up her own sleeve, which may have clued you into her second job as a hula hoop fitness instructor. She captions the video on her Facebook page: "Decided to 'raise the bar' at the gym after my #GetHooping fitness class!"

First of all, we're thoroughly impressed that she can hang from the bar one-handed, reach for the hula hoop, and get it spinning around her waist. We can hardly hula hoop while standing on two feet. But then she starts doing pull-ups?! We're blown away by her amazing coordination and strength. The best part is her smile, though, and her superproud son!

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