Try to Contain Your Excitement: We Found a Matcha Smoothie Bowl Recipe

Panatea Matcha

Matcha. So hot right now. Matcha. But seriously, we're just as obsessed with all-matcha-everything as you are, and today we've found the fusion of both matcha and another one of our obsessions: smoothie bowls. Yes, really.

This antioxidant-packed smoothie bowl uses the adaptogenic base of matcha powder, giving you a boost in energy without the jitters. Matcha also has a metabolism-boosting weight-loss concentrate, meaning it can help whittle your waistline, all while you enjoy a delicious breakfast.

With simple ingredients like almond milk and banana, this sweet treat is free of added sugar, with just the right amount of natural sweetness. Whip this up for a clean, green, lean breakfast that'll give you enough energy to skip the coffee without feeling withdrawals.

Antioxidant Matcha Smoothie Bowl

Cook Time15 Minutes

From PANATEA Matcha


    • 1 scoop of ceremonial or culinary matcha (we used PANATEA)
    • 1 frozen banana
    • 1/3 cup almond milk
    • 1 handful spinach leaves
    • Toppings: 1 handful blueberries, 1/2 sliced banana, 1 handful goji berries, 1 handful of coconut flakes, 1/4 teaspoon chia seeds


    1. Add frozen banana, almond milk, spinach leaves, and matcha to a blender

    2. Pulse and blend until smooth

    3. Scoop out into a bowl and top with blueberries, goji berries, coconut, bananas, and a sprinkle of chia seeds
