The Detoxing Wellness Elixir You've Been Waiting For Is Also Primed For Instagram


Hot wellness drinks are totally the new green juice — and many are swapping their morning cup of joe for a healthful tonic or hot elixir that offers nutrition and healing properties with every sip. If caffeine is an anxiety trigger or keeping you up at night, it's time to start dabbling in these healthy lattes.

One that you've likely been seeing all over your social media? Pink lattes. These pastel blends get their rich, rosy hue from detoxifying beetroot, which can also help improve your energy and mood. We snagged this recipe from DRINKmaple, who created the concoction with its own maple water (Pro tip: if you don't have any maple water on hand, you can try swapping in coconut water. Keep in mind that maple water has half the sugar content.).

Pink Beet Latte

Cook Time40 minutes

From DRINKmaple Maple Water


    • 1 medium beet, peeled
    • 1 cup DRINKmaple maple water
    • 1/4 cup raw almonds
    • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    • Sweetener such as honey or maple syrup, to taste (optional)


    1. Heat oven to 400 degrees. Wrap beet in foil and roast for about 30 minutes, or until a fork easily pierces it (you can do this ahead of time).

    2. In a blender, create the nut milk by blending maple water and almonds until smooth. Set 1/2 cup of mixture aside. Add all ingredients, except the extra 1/2 cup nut milk, and blend until smooth under hot setting. If you don't have a hot setting, in a small pot, heat up blended beet ingredients until boiling. Then pass through a fine-mesh strainer or sieve. Set aside.

    3. Add remaining almond milk into a glass or cup and foam with preferred method of foaming. You can use a handheld foamer, a cappuccino machine, or even toss it in a high-powered blender.

    4. Pour blended beet ingredients into glass or mug, top with foamed milk.


    This recipe calls for DRINKmaple maple water. If you don't have maple water on hand, you can substitute coconut water.
