How to Go to a Wedding and Get a Date

Joshua Rainey Photography

Everyone knows that weddings are a giant, sometimes-overpriced celebration of love. But what people don't often tell you is that if you're single, and even starting to feel like a perpetual bridesmaid, or guest, weddings can actually be the perfect place to snag a new love of your own. So if you're starting to find that your Saturday nights are booked up with watching a couple say "I Do" and not booked up with swiped-right Tinder dates, here are five ways to snag a first date at the next wedding you say "I Do" to.

1. Chat With New People

Before you arrive at the wedding, make a personal goal for yourself to talk to five new people. These people don't all have to be potential love interests; they just have to be people you don't know. Whether you talk to an aunt of the bride, a groomsman, the DJ, or a third-cousin, meeting new people opens the doors of your dating life. Everyone knows someone single and that someone could be your perfect match.

2. Silence Your Cell

If your phone is usually attached to the palm of your hand (mine is . . . even when I'm walking down the aisle as a bridesmaid), put it in your purse for the night. The more time you spend connected to your virtual world, the less available you'll look and be at the wedding. It'll stop you from meeting people, from being social, and even from trying to have a good time.

3. Don't Linger in One Spot

This means to hover at table number ten and don't hang outside the venue talking to a group of people you knew before you came. If you're sitting down the whole night or standing in a crowd of familiar faces, you'll leave there feeling like you wasted another Saturday night.

4. Channel a Life-of-the-Party Attitude

Even if you're a naturally shy person, push yourself to keep a smile on your face and your feet on the dance floor. Say yes to fun opportunities (like trying out the photo booth or joining a Conga dance line).

5. Don't Flirt Too Much With the Open Bar

It's an easy way to become the life of the party really quickly, but it won't last. Too many free drinks swishing inside of your stomach will make you call it quits way before the cake is cut. Take it easy on the drinking and remember, you can have fun, be fun, and find fun without taking too many shots.

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