18 Typical Dudes You Meet on Spring Break

Everett Collection

Spring break season is upon us. Whether you're returning or departing from your college's break, there are a few givens about your trip. You made memories with your girlfriends that you will cherish forever and you probably made a few mistakes too — although, those are just as amusing to relive after the fact. You probably hit up a beach, too, and there were other college students at that beach. But on your trip, you met (or, if you're just leaving, you can expect to meet) at least one of these guys. Proceed with caution!


The Networker

Wants to give you his business card. Has zero chill. Doesn't understand the definition of Spring break is "relaxation."


The Local

He's been there before (probably because he lives there). He can take you to all the "cool" spots. Only drinks the bar's specials because he helped invent them. He might be a little older than he says, too.


The Guy Who Cannon Balls Into the Pool

Seeks attention. Not afraid of using a tired cliché to get you to notice him.


The Guy Who Thinks He Runs the Beach

Always in charge of the music. Doesn't take requests. Known to toss terrible pickup lines your way that he probably found through Google.


The Guy Who Only Packed One Outfit

Hawaiian shirts: it's the uniform — and he is not willing to negotiate this. He will even sleep in them.


The Guy Who Will Say Anything to Please People

Mirroring is his speciality. Don't like beer? Neither does he (said with beer in hand). Think the music is too loud? He agrees.


The Guy Who Is Permanently on Spring Break

This guy just feels a little too at home on Spring break. Maybe because he's never been to class, or maybe because his head is permanently in the clouds.


The Guy Who Is the Crew's Clown

Known to draw smiley faces on his stomach in sunscreen. Has the potential to get a regrettable tattoo. Will ask why you haven't laughed at his jokes.


The Guy Who Gets Drunk . . . and Naked

There's always one guy at every party who gets too comfortable in the water (or even on land). He wants you to join him in his skinny-dipping escapades, but this a public pool and no one is laughing.


The Guy Who Wants to Connect With You on All Forms of Social Media

He's the networker's cousin. He wants to make sure when you leave Spring break you'll still keep in touch (you met for 15 minutes, and you will probably not speak to him ever again). Mostly he just wants to boost his follower count.


The Little Brother

No Spring break is complete without a sibling who wants to see what college Spring break is all about. He's cute and funny and totally harmless.


The Guy Who Just Wants to Be With His Bros

Refuses to recognize your presence. He has been looking forward to this "dudes" trip for months. He's all about the three Bs: beer, bros, and the beach.


The Crybaby

People are hungover on Spring break; it's another given. But this guy just won't shut up about it. Drink a water and remember you're at the beach! Life goes on.


The Guy Whose Hair Is Always Perfect

Styles his hair for the beach — and might even bring hair gel with him for après swim. Always flipping his hair and checking it out in your sunglasses.


The Shy Guy

Wears a t-shirt in the ocean and applies sunscreen every 15 minutes, but is adorable.


The Irresistible Cheeseball

You can't say no to this guy, and that's OK. Just remember: he's practiced those swing dance moves for years and that wink is the product of too many hours spent in front of the mirror.


The Unavailable Guy

Do we need to elaborate?


The Guy Who Thinks He's Immortal

Will do anything for the 'gram. Wants to be on Spring break forever.

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