16 Reasons You Should Date an American Man

Paramount Pictures

'Merica isn't called "the beautiful" because of purple mountain majesties — it's because of all the hot guys from sea to shining sea. If you're looking for a man to date, make sure you consider the babes of the USA. If our 16 reasons to date an American aren't good enough for you, at least remember that everything is bigger in Texas . . . you know what I'm saying?


He's supersupportive.

Of his football team.


He will eat McDonald's with you.

Because McDonald's is the American way.


You can also enjoy pie together.

Nothing is more American than pie.


He knows how to make an entrance because the WWE taught him.

Seriously, wrestling entrances have been engrained into his mind.


He can ride stuff.

Like you.


He won't overthink anything.

It's just not the American way.


The two of you can have riveting conversations about the country's capitalistic society.

Who doesn't love talking about how America has an economic and political system in which our trade and industry are managed by private owners for profit, rather than by the state?


He's got crazy-hot dance moves.

John Travolta and Aerosmith taught him everything he knows.


He's not afraid to take a risk.

Whether it be for love or a double cheeseburger.


He's got incredible style.

Everyone looks good in stars and stripes, don't argue.


He's just so damn proud.

He's proud of you, he's proud of himself, he's proud of his country. Ah, nationalism.


He'll take you on road trips.

So you can see all the fruited plains, of course.


He will keep it 100 percent real.

He knows no other way.


He's got great taste in alcohol.

You can thank American beer and whiskey for that.


He's really in touch with his emotions.

Because sports.


He's going to give you the freedom and justice you want.

That's the way American men have been since 1776.

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