Will Tia's Wild Ride With Motorcycle Club President Talon Result in a Permanent Journey?

Talon has a complicated relationship with the Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club. He's the president of their rival club, the Wild Men, but he's also related to one of their members — who hates him. He could handle that, but he's also got problems in his own club; someone is leaking information and disrupting their business, but Talon can't find the mole. So the last thing he needs is even more complication in the form of a beautiful single mother who's bolder than half the bikers on his squad. But he can't take his eyes — or his hands — off her . . .

Tia's always been a little reckless, up for a good time wherever she found it, but she's also a great mom to her young son. So even though she thinks Talon is basically sex on a stick, when she realizes she wants to be more to him than just a club groupie, she has to take things a bit slow. Plus, a momentary attraction, no matter how smoking hot, isn't worth risking her son's happiness in any way. Is there any chance that Talon might be up for a more permanent arrangement? Or has Tia leapt before looking once again?

For more on Wild Ride, from the Wind Dragon MC Series by New York Times bestselling author Chantal Fernando, visit XOXO After Dark!

PG-13 Excerpt

By the time I finally see her, it's 8:00 p.m.—two days later. After Shayla's bodyguard called, I had to go and handle a few things, or men, as it were, and I only just got back into town. I know she's going to be pissed at my showing up on her doorstep, but she didn't pick up her phone, and there's nothing else I could do. I know it's late, and I don't want to talk in front of her kid, but I figure she can come out the front or something. If she wanted to avoid this, she should have answered the f*ckin' phone. She must've heard the rumble of my bike, because the front door opens and she storms over to me, barefoot and dressed in her pajamas, which consist of shorts and a tank top. She looks f*ckin' adorable, even with that scowl on her face. I try to hide my amusement as she stops in front of my bike.

"What are you doing here?" she asks, looking at me like I'm batsh*t crazy. "Rhett's here!" She pauses. "And you're an assh*le!"

I get off my bike, my black boots stopping right in front of her blue-painted toes. I lift her chin with my index finger, rendering her silent as I look into her eyes. "I had to leave because I got a call—the men needed me. I didn't want to go. I didn't get freaked out, and I sure as f*ck didn't bone and bail. I tried to call you to explain, but your stubborn ass didn't pick up."

"I haven't heard from you in two f*cking days," she whisperyells, putting her hands on her hips. "Your men needed you for two days? Sounds like you got what you wanted and now you're done."

"It sounds like if you had picked up your phone I could have told you that I had to head out of town to handle some business," I say, trying to stay calm while she throws her attitude at me. "I literally came straight to your house, Tia. I left you a voice mail explaining everything, but I guess you didn't listen to that either?"

"I never check my voice mail," she says, wincing. "How was I supposed to know?"

"That's why we do this little thing called communicate," I say, wanting so badly to kiss her. And maybe shake her a little.

"Oh," she says, her expression softening.

"Yes, oh. Why the hell didn't you pick up my calls?"

She shifts on her feet, looking down before she replies. "Honestly, I think I was just assuming the worst. Thought you were going to say it was a mistake . . ."

"Act like I did after the kiss," I surmise, feeling like sh*t. Yeah, I had avoided her after that kiss, and told her it was a mistake. No wonder she thought I'd do it again.

"I told myself I wouldn't get angry even if you did bail, but . . . I guess I wanted to be different to you."


"Than other women," she tries to explain, shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know. It's stupid."

"Nothing you say is stupid," I tell her, cupping her cheek with my hand, then looking toward her house when I see Rhett looking through the window, giving me a look similar to the one his mother was giving me moments ago. "Your son is watching us, so I better go. When can I see you next? Can I take you out for dinner tomorrow night?"

She glances behind her, then back at me. "Like a date?"

"Exactly like a date."

"I'd like that," she says, smiling.

I want to kiss her, but her kid is watching, so I need to be on my best behavior. "I'll pick you up at seven. You ever been on the back of a bike before?"

"No," she says, making me feel all warm inside.

"Good," I reply, my gaze lowering to her lips. "F*ck, I want to kiss you so bad."

"Tomorrow," she says, flashing me a seductive grin and turning around to head inside.

I've crossed the line and now there's no going back. I tried to stay away from her, I did, but now I've come too far. There's only moving forward, and I'll handle whatever is thrown at me to have this girl, to get to know her and see if she's what I think she is.


X-Rated Excerpt

So technically, I cheated.

Although I didn't kiss him first, I invited him here under false pretenses. I didn't know what would happen, exactly, but I wanted to see him, spend more time with him. Since I had the day off, I was alone in the house and I couldn't stop thinking about him, so I went out on a limb and called. I just wanted him, in any way, shape, or form, and now he's here, his mouth slanted on mine, giving me more of those kisses I've been dreaming about since I first tasted him.

His other hand lands on my back, bringing me closer to him like he can't get enough. His tongue delves into my mouth in that expert way of his, making me moan—begging for more. He guides me as I walk backward until the back of my legs hit the couch, then he turns me around and sits on the couch, lifting me up so I'm straddling him, all with his mouth still on mine. Impressive.

I'm pretty much sitting on his hard c*ck, feeling it for the first time. Unable to stop myself, I grind against him, and this time it's he who moans. He pulls his lips away from mine and he looks at me with such lust in his eyes that I kiss him again deeply, showing him without words that he's not alone in this, that he drives me just as crazy, and that I can't get enough of him.

I grip the bottom of his T-shirt and start to lift it up. He moves back to take it off the rest of the way, revealing smooth, tanned skin. I run my hand down his stomach, which is hard as a rock, like velvet over steel. This is the first time I'm seeing his body, and it's f*cking amazing.

"Wow," I mouth. He catches it and grins at me, his eyes heavy-lidded, shielding some of their green beauty from me.

"Are we doing this?" he asks, standing with me in his arms. He's so strong and manly. It's such a turn-on. I'm not a heavy woman, I'm quite petite, but I've never had a man lift me like that before.

"Yes," I say, kissing his jawline.

"Where's your bedroom?"

I point down the hall, even though he can't see where I'm pointing to. "First door on the left."

He walks us into my room, opening the door, then slamming it shut behind us. Not paying attention to anything in my room, he gently places me down on the white sheets. He undoes the button on my shorts, then pulls them down, muttering something about "these damn shorts." He throws them on the floor, then pulls me up to take off my top. When that's also on the floor, he reaches behind and unclasps my bra, letting it fall forward.

"Beautiful," he murmurs, rubbing his thumb across one of my nipples before pushing me back down on the bed and removing my black panties. I lift up my hips then lie there naked as he takes me in from head to toe. I should feel embarrassed, but I'm not. My body isn't perfect, but it's me. I'd rather he see everything I am now so that I can know if it's enough for him before I get even more attached to him. His pants come off next, and it's my turn to watch him. He's perfect, of course, even with the scars on his ribs, which look like they were made by a blade.

Tall and lean, he has no fat on him whatsoever; it's all hard muscle. He's covered in tattoos, something I find myself very attracted to. He lies on top of me, keeping his weight off me, then kisses me softly. I'm euphoric at the feel of his skin pressed against mine, and I just close my eyes for a second, enjoying the sensation.

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