A Shirtless Vladimir Putin Roasts President Trump's Inauguration Crowds on SNL

We had only the highest hopes for the first episode of Saturday Night Live following President Donald Trump's inauguration, and it did not disappoint. During the cold open, Vladimir Putin (played by Beck Bennett) takes aim at Trump's inauguration crowds and the insane amount of women he's pissed off, which of course would never happen in Russia because women are so happy there.

"Hello, America," Bennett says as a shirtless Putin. "Yesterday, we all made Donald Trump the 45th President of the United States. Hooray, we did it! And today, many of you are scared and marching in the streets. You are worried that your country is in the hands of this unpredictable man. But don't worry, it's not. Relax. I got this. Putie's going to make everything OK."

He promises to take care of America because "it's the most expensive thing we've ever bought."

The Russian politician then proceeds to calm all of our fearful feminist thoughts with the help of Kate McKinnon, as a Russian woman named Olya, but the best part of all is when Putin calls out Trump for lying about the size of his inauguration crowds.

"Today you went to the CIA and said 1 million people went to see you in Washington DC?" he asked. "If you're going to lie, don't make it so obvious. Say that you are friends with LeBron James, not that you are LeBron James."

Olya truly becomes a hero when she pops up behind Putin secretly rocking a pink pussyhat to support the Women's March on Washington. Watch the entire clip above.

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