3-Ingredient DIY Natural Hand Sanitizer

POPSUGAR Photography | Kelly Ladd

For years now, people (especially parents) have been carrying around a little bottle of hand sanitizer in their bags. Hand sanitizer pumps can also be found in stores, public bathrooms, and offices. It is good that people want to stop spreading germs, but hand sanitizer is not always as healthy as you may think.

There have been studies that show some of the store-bought ingredients contain phthalates, which disrupts hormone production, and even contain triclosan, which could negatively affect our immune systems.

So, for all of those habitual hand sanitizer users and those who just want to be a bit healthier, we have a DIY recipe that will curb your craving. Check it out.

Supplies Needed

  • One teaspoon coconut oil
  • Six teaspoons witch hazel
  • One cup of aloe vera gel
  • Plastic bottle
  • Jar or mixing bowl

Step One

Pour one cup of aloe vera gel in a bowl or jar. Aloe vera is known for its natural disinfectant, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties.

Step Two

Add six teaspoons of witch hazel to the mixture. Witch hazel also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties as well.

Step Three

Pour one teaspoon of coconut oil into the mixture. Coconut oil will help moisturize your skin, but it also has antifungal and antibacterial qualities as well.

Step Four

Mix the solution together with a spoon.

Step Five

Pour your hand sanitizer into a plastic bottle. Feel free to use generously.

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