Your September Monthly Horoscope Is Giving You Permission to Treat Yourself

Virgo Season 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Whether you're soaking up the last days of summer underneath the Virgo sun or getting your wardrobe ready for fall in anticipation of Libra season, the astrology of September 2023 invites you to let go of the past and slowly welcome new beginnings. Enjoy the process.

To help you ease into one of the most transitional months of the year, the first week of September opens on a vibrant note as Venus, the planet of love, finances, and fashion, arises from a six-week retrograde transit on Sept. 3. With the planet of money and romance now spinning forward in fearless Leo until Oct. 8, you should feel more confident about saying yes to a pricy purchase you've been saving for, going for bangs you've been eyeing, or finally getting closure about where a particular relationship stands.

Remember to take things slow and steady, as Jupiter, the planet of personal growth and expansion, will join the retrograde party the following day on Sept. 4. Big changes may take longer to manifest. If feeling unsure about what moves are right for you and your long-term growth, take a moment to quiet your thoughts when the sun and Mercury retrograde align in a clarifying cazimi on Sept. 6. This is an excellent time to learn about new investment opportunities or explore new career paths. Just make sure you get some rest during the Leo dark moon from Sept. 10-12. Your energy levels may be lower than usual.

Expect a significant vibe shift mid-month, as the last new moon of the summer will debut on Sept. 14. Occurring in mutable earth sign Virgo, this detail-oriented lunation grants all zodiac signs the opportunity to make their wildest dreams an everyday reality by setting realistic and achievable goals for the next six months. To help you stay focused during this busy time, Mercury, Virgo's planetary ruler, will station direct the next day (Sept. 16), ending three weeks of communication slowdowns and scheduling delays. Keep in mind that Mercury will remain in its retrograde shadow period until Sept. 30, so be patient with yourself and others if things don't improve overnight.

Treat yourself to a much-needed meditation session or yin yoga flow when the sun and sleepy Neptune clash in the sky on Sept. 19. During this sensitive transit, you may be more anxious than usual or find that others are less likely to respect your boundaries. Rather than arguing or forcing someone to understand your feelings, prioritize activities that calm and regulate your nervous system, especially once the sun enters self-care guru Libra on Sept. 23.

To help you find your balance between honoring your needs and supporting the wants of others, take some time to reconnect with your personal goals during the Aries full moon on Sept. 29. This assertive lunation is all about embracing your independence and releasing the need to people-please.

See exactly what the next 30 days have in store for you with your September 2023 monthly horoscope, according to your zodiac sign and rising sign. For a deeper dive into your year ahead, also read your annual 2023 horoscope for even more insight.

Photo Illustration by Becky Jiras

Aries (March 21-April 19) Monthly Horoscope For September 2023

Start the month off slow, dear Aries, as your September 2023 horoscope begins with the dynamic Virgo sun hanging out in your organization and wellness zone until Sept. 23. While Virgo season is usually one of the busiest times of year for you, lean into the refreshing restart that arrives on Sept. 3 when Venus ends its six-week retrograde transit in Leo and your playful fifth house of individuality and creativity. Although this reflective period may have revealed frustrations regarding your passions and love life, your ability to confidently express yourself and pursue what pleases you grows stronger as Venus pushes forward. Take it one day at a time.

Your hobbies and unique style won't be the only improvements you're making this month; how you make and manage your money is getting a makeover, too. You'll feel these cosmic themes the most when Jupiter stations retrograde in Taurus on Sept. 4. During this security-focused transit, you have the chance to review your budget, track your spending, and save up for big cash purchases you want to make in the new year. Jupiter will be retrograde in this sector of your chart until Dec. 30, so don't feel rushed to do it all at once.

While things may feel sluggish during the Leo dark moon Sept. 10-12, try not to get discouraged or distracted from your goals. In fact, take full advantage of the slowdown by reorganizing your schedule or applying for a new position during the Virgo new moon on Sept. 14. If still waiting to hear back about a recent application or promotion, be patient. Communications may be slightly delayed during the new moon since Mercury is still retrograde in your Virgo house until the following day, Sept. 15.

Expect a vibe shift on Sept. 23 when the sun officially enters Libra and your partner-oriented seventh house of marriage and agreements until Oct. 23. This romantic season is excellent for tending to relationship matters, planning intimate social gatherings with friends, and renegotiating professional contracts. Although Libra season invites you to deepen the connections in your life, try to maintain sight of your needs, as this time of year can be highly demanding. If feeling slightly overwhelmed, redirect the energy back to you on Sept. 29 when the awakening Aries full moon illuminates the sky. Use this lunation to pour back into yourself. What do you need right now to refill your cup?

Photo Illustration by Becky Jiras

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Monthly Horoscope For September 2023

Soak up the last days of summer in style, Taurus. Virgo season is your yearly invitation to explore new creative pastimes and experiment with your unique aesthetic. Your September 2023 horoscope kicks off with your chart ruler, Venus, ending a 40-day retrograde cycle in Leo on Sept 3. While Venus retrograde encourages you to strengthen relationships with family and sort through sensitive emotions, you'll have more time to focus on settling into a new home and planning for the future with the planet of love now direct in this area of your chart until Oct. 8.

Speaking of big-picture thinking, stay open to reviewing goals and aspirations for the upcoming year when Jupiter stations retrograde in your sign on Sept. 4. Governing the sector of your chart that rules identity and personal growth, this four-month transit is ideal for reflecting on any progress you've made since the planet of abundance entered Taurus on May 16. Things continue to take a turn for the better on Sept. 8 when the sun and Jupiter retrograde form a lucky trine in your sign. This harmonizing transit empowers you to slow down and fully immerse yourself in the present.

On Sept. 14, the last new moon of the summer will occur in Virgo and your flirty fifth house of romance and pleasure. This practical lunation shifts your focus to pursuing passion projects and partners that inspire you to be more productive. Hold off on setting your new-moon intentions until any blockages that may prevent your progress start to clear on Sept. 15, when Mercury retrograde stations direct.

The end of the month focuses on your work-life balance as the sun begins its annual tour in Libra and your sixth house of service and wellness on Sept. 23. Teaming up with Mars in this area of your chart until Oct. 23, use this energized period to revitalize your daily routines. To end the month on a quieter note, a healing Aries full moon will light up the sky and your sleepy 12th house of solitude on Sept. 29. Make the most of this enchanting full moon by getting extra rest and giving yourself some much-needed self-care.

Photo Illustration by Becky Jiras

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Monthly Horoscope For September 2023

Take it easy this month, Gemini. With Mercury retrograde hanging out in your home and privacy zone until Sept. 15, your September 2023 horoscope promises a more laid-back Virgo season than usual. While it may feel sluggish the first weeks of the month, use this downtime to spruce up your living space, spend intimate time with family, and, most importantly, sit with any sensitive thoughts that keep popping up. Fortunately for you, sweet Venus, the planet of money, beauty, and romance, stations direct on Sept. 3. Celebrate this direct planetary motion with an end-of-summer picnic or road trip to the beach.

Your desire to escape the mundane is emphasized this month when Jupiter, the planet of joy and abundance, stations retrograde in Taurus on Sept. 4. Kicking off a four-month backspin through your spiritual 12th house of solitude and self-healing, use this introspective transit to reflect on the past experiences that shaped who you are today. This will be especially important regarding your perceptions and beliefs about money, as Taurus governs finances.

A spontaneous social invitation may reach you during the Leo dark moon Sept. 10-12. Use this enchanting transit to get out of the house and have fun. If you're still not ready to trade in homebody status, that's OK. You may feel more inspired to host a small gathering for close friends at home during the Virgo new moon on Sept. 14.

Passion projects and fall festivities may demand your attention as September closes. This is because the sun will slip out of down-to-earth Virgo and glide into down-to-party Libra on Sept. 23, kicking off your annual season of following your heart and unapologetically expressing all of your personalities and moods. If you want the best time to share your latest creation or debut your new aesthetic, look no further than the Sept. 29 Aries full moon. This ambitious full moon is about igniting your inner fire and unapologetically doing you. While it may be uncomfortable initially, get used to how good it feels when you stick to your beliefs. Stay focused.

Photo Illustration by Becky Jiras

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Monthly Horoscope For September 2023

Hopefully, you listened to the call for rest and reflection in August, Cancer, as your September 2023 horoscope brings attention to how you communicate your thoughts and ideas with the world. While adjusting to Mercury retrograde's intense demands during the first two weeks of the month can be difficult, take advantage of the temporary pauses instead of resisting them. Besides, who knows what new opportunities to profit from your talents arrive once Venus retrograde ends in your second house of financial security on Sept. 3. This direct planetary movement helps resolve any money challenges that may have popped up since July 22.

Some Crabs may be revising group vacation plans when Jupiter, the planet of travel, stations retrograde in Taurus and your 11th house of community on Sept. 4. While this nurturing transit opens the door for deepening bonds with friends and potential business partners, take a moment to express gratitude for all you've accomplished over the past few months on Sept. 8, when the sun and Jupiter form a lucky cosmic alignment in your Virgo and Taurus houses. Use this eye-opening transit to reconnect to your hopes and dreams. What intentions are you ready to manifest?

You'll start receiving the clarity and resources you need to assemble your plan when the Virgo new moon peaks on Sept. 14. The last new moon of the summer is an excellent time to start writing your book, soft launch a website, or enroll in a fall training program to boost your skills, especially since Mercury retrograde will end in your third house of communication the following day, Sept. 15.

The month closes on a quieter note, Cancer, as the sun slips into harmonious Libra on Sept. 23. With Libra governing your fourth house of home and family, use this romantic season to spruce up your living space and spend quality time with loved ones. Remember your boundaries if work demands pile up during the ambitious Aries full moon on Sept. 29. You can't be everywhere at once.

Photo Illustration by Becky Jiras

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Monthly Horoscope For September 2023

Take a deep breath as you enter the new month, dear Leo. Your September 2023 horoscope offers the cooldown you need to collect your thoughts after an emotionally intense solar return season. After six weeks of relentless self-reflection and reevaluating what is most important to you, you're ready to reenter this new chapter of your life with more confidence and self-appreciation on Sept. 3 when Venus retrograde ends in your sign. While it hasn't been an easy journey, be sure to celebrate yourself for all you've overcome since the planet of self-worth and self-care went retrograde on July 22. You've earned it.

Just keep in mind that changes on the career front may start to unfold once Jupiter, the planet of growth and wisdom, begins a four-month retrograde transit in Taurus and your 10th house of business and public image on Sept. 4. Lions seeking extra time to review and refine their long-term goals will find their wishes granted when the introspective sun joins forces with Mercury retrograde on Sept. 6. If feeling overstimulated during this transit, try silencing your notifications at night and meditating in the morning before you start your day.

However, don't be surprised if you feel more inspired to execute your goals, as well as improve your relationship with money, when the practical Virgo new moon peaks on Sept. 14. With Mercury going direct and ending its retrograde in your second house of financial security the following day, Sept. 15, the middle of the month is ideal for revising your budget and brainstorming a roadmap for future growth.

On Sept. 23, the sun officially enters Libra and the sector of your birth chart that rules self-expression and self-learning. These airy vibes inspire you to be more intentional with sharing your thoughts through writing, public speaking, and social media. Use your natural influence. If looking to travel for work or invest in a passion project you've been pursuing since the Aries solar eclipse in April, mark Sept. 29 on your calendar. On this day, the ambitious Aries full moon will ignite your inner fire, reminding you that it's OK to take a calculated risk. Don't be afraid to go all in on yourself. You got this.

Photo Illustration by Becky Jiras

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Monthly Horoscope For September 2023

Make room for your breakthrough, dear Virgo, as your September 2023 horoscope calls you to prioritize your wants and needs. While the month begins with the sun continuing its annual tour through your sign, which is great for celebrating your solar return season, opt for a more intimate birthday gathering rather than planning anything extravagant this year. Remember that your chart ruler, Mercury, is retrograde in your identity sector until Sept. 15. So be gentle with yourself if you're feeling more introspective than usual. This murky transit is best spent releasing negative self-talk and reinforcing positive behaviors like journaling, meditation, and confiding in those you trust.

Fortunately, Venus, the planet of relationships and money, will end its extended slowdown in Leo and your sleepy 12th house of closure and solitude on Sept. 3. This direct planetary movement encourages you to gradually arise from your summer hiatus and make peace with any setbacks you've experienced socially and financially since July 22. In fact, treat yourself to some much-needed me-time when Jupiter stations retrograde in sensual Taurus on Sept. 4. This four-month period is ideal for reflecting on what financial freedom means for you and identifying the most sustainable path to get there.

While you may be anxious for this gloomy season to end, don't rush your growing process, Virgo. On Sept. 6, the sun and Mercury retrograde will join forces, revealing what emotional and spiritual blockages may be in your way. You'll also want to note any standout moments during the sun and Jupiter meetup on Sept. 8, as it could reintroduce social connections and mentors who open your eyes and ears to more fulfilling opportunities you may be overlooking. What do you want the next chapter of life to be like?

An opportunity to start fresh will manifest on Sept. 14, when the last new moon of the summer touches down in your sign. This magical lunation is about bringing the focus back to you! Get ready for your close-up. Keep an eye on your budget starting on Sept. 23 when the sun officially enters Libra. With Libra governing your second house of money and possessions, you must prioritize how you manage your spending. If looking for an ideal time to clear debt or invest in a new side hustle, take advantage of the ambitious Aries full moon on Sept. 29. This action-oriented lunar event empowers you to practically pursue your wildest dreams.

Photo Illustration by Becky Jiras

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Monthly Horoscope For September 2023

Since Aug. 23, Libra, the sun, and Mercury retrograde have journeyed through Virgo and your 12th house of ending, spirituality, and solitude. Although your September 2023 horoscope starts on a slow note, you'll begin to feel more at ease and like yourself when Venus, your chart ruler, stations direct on Sept. 3. While you have every reason to be excited about your upcoming solar return, especially since Venus is now moving forward in your 11th house of community until Oct. 8, take your time planning end-of-summer brunches and announcing early birthday plans. Wait until Mercury stations retrograde on Sept. 15 to send final party invitations and meet back up with close friends.

On Sept. 4, Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance, will kick off a four-month retrograde cycle in Taurus and your eighth house of shared resources and investments. During this security-focused transit, you may be called to review how you divide expenses or manage credit. Use this introspective period to double down on debt and get serious about saving for home ownership.

If your energy is still low at the mid-month, stick to your boundaries. Rather than overworking yourself to prove a point or please others, take advantage of the cleansing Virgo new moon on Sept. 14 and cut ties with self-sabotaging habits. This healing lunation is all about embracing stillness, prioritizing self-reflection, and, most importantly, catching up on sleep.

Close out September on an upbeat note, Libra, as the sun joins Mars in your first house of self and identity on Sept. 23. Whether you decide to treat yourself to an autumn makeover, dedicate your mornings and evenings to self-care, or get serious about pursuing your personal goals, Libra season for you is all about reconnecting to your independence. If struggling to settle into this main-character energy, channel the assertive Aries full moon, which will peak at the end of the month on Sept. 29. Illuminating your seventh house of partnerships and agreements, this outspoken lunar event empowers you to release the need to impress others and actively go after what you want.

Photo Illustration by Becky Jiras

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Monthly Horoscope For September 2023

Be intentional about who you allow into your inner circle this month, dear Scorpio — no messy friends allowed. With Mercury retrograde hanging out in your 11th house of community until Sept. 15, your September 2023 horoscope promises a more dramatic Virgo season than usual. While it may feel unsettling the first few weeks of the month to get along with others in group settings, use this downtime to work through power struggles with peers and colleagues. Fortunately, Venus retrograde stations direct on Sept. 3 in your career and public reputation sector. Use this direct planetary motion to gradually resolve lingering issues that may distract you from your professional goals.

Your craving for collaboration is emphasized this month when Jupiter, the planet of joy and abundance, stations retrograde in Taurus on Sept. 4. Kicking off a four-month backspin through your seventh house of relationships and agreements, use this introspective transit to reflect on how you and a partner can grow together instead of apart.

A spontaneous social invitation may reach you on Sept. 6 when the sun and Mercury retrograde join forces in a powerful planetary alignment. Use this enchanting transit to attend a last-minute dinner with your bestie or invite your crew for a potluck. If you're not in the mood to entertain a crowd during this transit, that's OK. You may feel more inspired to attend a networking event or soiree with friends during the week of the Virgo new moon on Sept. 14. It's time to get back out there.

Keep a low profile starting on Sept. 23 when the sun officially enters Libra. With Libra governing your 12th house of endings and closure, it's time for your annual hibernation season. If you are experiencing intense emotions during this sensitive four-week solar cycle, don't hesitate to connect with a therapist or book an astrology consultation with your favorite reader. With Mars also resting in your spirituality sector until Oct. 12, this Libra season emphasizes the power of following your intuition. If looking for an ideal time to cleanse or detox, take advantage of the purifying Aries full moon on Sept. 29. This fiery lunar event empowers you to prioritize your heart-mind-body-soul connection.

Photo Illustration by Becky Jiras

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Monthly Horoscope For September 2023

Embrace the professional changes this month brings with an open heart and clear mind, dear Sagittarius, as your September 2023 horoscope begins with the dynamic Virgo sun hanging out in your 10th house of career and responsibility until Sept. 23. While Virgo season is usually one of the most productive and profitable times of year for you, this year's glow-up may be more challenging than you remember. Mercury retrograde is causing mix-ups and power struggles in your Virgo-ruled house until Sept. 15.

To keep you grounded during this transitional time, the first week of September opens on a hopeful note as Venus retrograde arises from a six-week retrograde transit on Sept. 3. With the planet of money and romance now spinning forward in your ninth house of expansion until Oct. 8, you should feel more confident about saying yes to a risky business investment you've been saving for.

Although this direct planetary motion is good news for all archers romantically and financially, hold off on any major decisions at the beginning of the month. Rather than acting impulsively, put your thoughts on paper during the sun and Mercury retrograde cazimi on Sept. 6 to better understand the bigger picture. You'll receive more clarity about how to move forward with your plan when the sun and Jupiter align in a harmonious planetary aspect on Sept. 8. Trust the timing.

Take a moment to express gratitude for all you've accomplished over the past six months on Sept. 14. On this day, the last new moon of the summer will occur in Virgo and the area of your chart that governs long-term goals. Make the most of this down-to-earth lunar event by reviewing your business expansion plans or finally scheduling that new job interview. Expect a significant vibe shift on Sept. 23 when the sun officially enters Libra and your community-focused 11th house of friendships and groups until Oct. 23. This airy season is excellent for collaborating on team projects, networking with colleagues, and reconnecting with extended family. Some archers may even announce a new passion project during the ambitious Aries full moon on Sept. 29. Go for it!

Photo Illustration by Becky Jiras

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Monthly Horoscope For September 2023

Try not to stretch the limits too much this month, dear Capricorn — even if you think you can handle it. With Mercury retrograde hanging out in your ninth house of personal growth until Sept. 15, your September 2023 horoscope encourages you to explore your inner world before taking on the external world. While it may feel unsettling the first few weeks of the month to have less free time to pour into your personal interests, think of this slowdown period as an opportunity to attract more prosperity and abundance into your life.

If financial limitations have been a cause of concern over the past six weeks, you'll be happy to know that relief is not far away. On Sept. 3, Venus stations direct in your shared resources and investment sector, which means you should slowly start to resolve money matters, especially issues that involve credit cards, identity theft, and student loans. To keep you grounded during this transitional time, the second week of September opens on a harmonious note as the sun and Jupiter form a lucky planetary alignment on Sept. 8. With Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, also retrograde in Taurus and your fifth house of self-confidence from Sept. 4 until Dec. 30, you should feel more comfortable making the necessary changes to support economic growth.

While stability is very much so the overall vibe for the month, don't be surprised if you start craving a vacation on Sept. 14. On this day, the last new moon of the summer will peak in Virgo and your house of international affairs. Whether you're looking to book a flight to a tropical island or plan a road trip to your favorite weekend getaway spot, don't hesitate to splurge on the R&R time, Capricorn. You deserve it.

Work matters may demand your attention as September closes. This is because the sun will kick off its annual tour in Libra and your 10th house of career on Sept. 23. Goats looking to snag that new promotion or go all in on a business idea will find their efforts boosted during this four-week solar cycle, especially since hustler Mars is also in Libra until Oct. 12. If seeking the best time to launch your latest venture, look no further than the Sept. 29 Aries full moon. This ambitious full moon is about passionately pursuing your professional intentions. How has your brand evolved over the past six months?

Photo Illustration by Becky Jiras

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Monthly Horoscope For September 2023

It's time to chill out, Aquarius. Your September 2023 horoscope offers the emotional reset you need to collect your thoughts after an exhausting August and Leo season. To help you ease into one of the most transformational months of your year, the first week of September opens on a hopeful note as Venus retrograde, the planet of relationships and self-worth, arises from a six-week transit in Leo on Sept. 3. With the planet of love now spinning forward in the area of your chart that governs partnerships and agreements until Oct. 8, you should experience fewer disagreements with your spouse or business partner. This direct planetary motion is also excellent for resolving any conflicts that may have occurred since July 22.

Your desire for a stable and peaceful living space is emphasized this month when Jupiter, the planet of joy and abundance, stations retrograde in Taurus and your home sector on Sept. 4. If feeling overstimulated during the second week of the month, take a moment to check in with your therapist or unleash pent-up feelings over lunch with a trustworthy friend on Sept. 8. On this day, a healing planetary alignment between the sun and Jupiter retrograde helps settle any doubts you may be having about a recent move or plans to expand your family.

On Sept. 14, the last new moon of the summer will touch down in Virgo, illuminating your house of secrets and self-destruction. While some zodiac signs are motivated to return to the grind during this thought-provoking lunation, keep a low profile and focus on sorting through any financial or emotional red flags you've ignored. With Mercury retrograde ending the following day, Sept. 15, the middle of the month is ideal for adding a mindfulness practice like meditation or journaling to help you decompress and release stress.

On Sept. 23, the sun officially enters Libra and the sector of your birth chart that rules personal growth and higher education. These airy vibes inspire you to share your specialized gifts and talents more intentionally with the world. Opportunities to strengthen your skill sets and expand your horizons at work may manifest during the Aries full moon on Sept. 29. Go after what you want.

Photo Illustration by Becky Jiras

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Monthly Horoscope For September 2023

Boundaries are healthy, Pisces. Your September 2023 horoscope encourages you to embrace them. With Mercury retrograde causing disruption in your relationships and agreements sector until Sept. 15, your connection with a romantic or business partner may feel more strained this month than usual. Luckily, Venus retrograde will end a six-week transit in your sixth house of daily routines on Sept. 3, helping you resolve any conflicts that may have been interfering with your work-life balance.

If struggling to communicate at the beginning of the month, a powerful cazimi between the sun and Mercury retrograde on Sept. 6 helps you gently express your thoughts with clarity and confidence. Use this diplomatic transit to come to a healthy compromise. Who knows what lessons you may learn from each other once you choose to listen to both perspectives?

Although growing pains can be painful, a clarifying Virgo new moon on Sept. 14 clears the air so you can take your relationship to the next level. If you decide the connection is not worth saving, this lunation also helps you accept that it may be time to start a new chapter with someone else. Take your time making a decision. You don't have to find a resolution overnight.

Take it easy at the end of the month, dear Pisces, as the sun will enter Libra on Sept. 23, launching a four-week deep dive through your moody eighth house of transformation and rebirth. While your focus has been on love and intimacy since July 22, this new solar cycle encourages you to redirect your energy back into healing and nurturing yourself. Luckily, the month closes out on a fiery note with a powerful Aries full moon on Sept. 29. With Aries governing your second house of self-worth and financial security, use this transit to pursue a promotion or treat yourself to a budget-friendly purchase. What do you want?

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