Leave Bella Thorne and Her Hairy Armpits Alone, Already!

When we go on vacation — especially to a tropical destination — we leave our high-maintenance beauty goods at home. This can include hot tools, contour kits, and, sometimes, even razors (don't judge, please!). Letting yourself feel free and natural is the way to go when you're actually relaxing. Or just get laser hair removal so you don't have to worry about it anymore.

Bella Thorne seems to have the same sentiments, and she was recently spotted sporting hairy armpits while getting some R&R in Cancun, Mexico.

This would be fine if there wasn't a video going around the internet exposing her — dubbing her "Bushy Bella":

A fan tweeted it at her stating: "@bellathorne smh you're too cool for this sh*t."

To which, Bella responded: "Hahaha don't they know I never shave?"

And to that we say, live and let live!