If You're Bisexual, You'll Seriously Relate to This Funny Beauty DIY

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Though many stars have come out as bisexual in recent years (including Amandla Stenberg and Drew Barrymore), people who are attracted to both men and women still face serious judgment from society. They're told "it's just a phase!" or believed to be using their sexuality as an excuse to be promiscuous.

As a bisexual woman, YouTube makeup artist Amy Geliebter is all too aware of these stereotypes and chose to call them out via a mock makeup DIY. "You want to make sure that your imperfections are about as visible as the bi community," she said as she slathered dark circles and blemishes with concealer.

She even paid homage to Cara Delevingne as she filled in her brows. "Is she gay, is she straight? We all know that these are the only two possible sexualities," Geliebter said sarcastically. Watch and prepare to feel empowered by this video, then view Geliebter's parody beauty tutorial about depression.