Cate Blanchett: "You Can Tell When Someone Has Had Sex — Their Skin Looks Better"

We could go on and on about how flawless Cate Blanchett's skin is, but if you probably already know she's a goddess. The 47-year-old actress and longtime SK-II ambassador took time out of her busy schedule to share exactly what she does, uses, and avoids to keep her face looking so damn fresh. Keep reading to learn the recipe to gorgeous, glowing skin straight from her mouth. Hint: you're not getting it at the doctor's office!

Be Consistent

"I'm very interested in fashion, but not when it comes to skin care. Each month, there seems to be a new product or a new theory — new this, a new that. Find something that works and stick to it. For me it's been the Facial Treatment Essence, and I've been using it for 15 years. Obviously the SK-II product line has evolved over time, so I tend to make my own facials within that range."

DIY Your Own Facials

"It depends on what I'm doing, like where I'm filming. I'll incorporate a mask, and I'll alternate between a brightening mask and the Facial Treatment Mask — and definitely an eye mask. I'll put essence on in the morning and also over the makeup, because it sets it if you spray it on. Then I'll put the LXP range in the evening. If I'm on stage, I'll make sure I cleanse properly. So I use the Facial Treatment Oil.

It's all about layering. I used to think, 'Oh, do you really need a serum?' Your skin drinks in all these things and they work in combination. You can tailor a facial or adapt your skin care ritual according to the conditions that you're subjecting your skin to depending on the nature of the skin, the time of year, and how much you're out in the elements or in an enclosed environment."

Exfoliate Your Skin Daily

"The only thing SK-II doesn't make is an exfoliant, so I tend to use the Dermalogica one. I never used to exfoliate, but now that I do, I think it's a good thing to do regularly.

You can't treat a problem unless you get the top layer of dead skin off, and we're constantly covered in dead skin. So it's important to get it off.

I would exfoliate every day if I'm filming, because you spend the entire day in makeup. I just need to do it psychologically, as well (laughs), to end the day."

Don't Do Cosmetic Surgery Out of Fear

"I've seen incredible things done with people who had birthmarks and things that they had lasers remove, or they had a blemish or something that made them feel self-conscious and they had it lasered off. You always get asked this as an actress, as if you're meant to form a judgment on what other people do. If people want to do that stuff, that's their business, and I think the only way forward is to not judge each other so harshly.

For me personally, it's not a look I'm interested in, but if people want to do that, then that's fine. If you're doing it out of fear, then you've really got to get back to the source and say, 'What am I frightened of?' because we're all getting older. Do we know the long-term effects of using these things? That's what would worry me."

Use Face Oil to Stay Hydrated on a Plane

"I used to decant the Facial Treatment Essence in a spray bottle, but now they actually make one, so I take that. They make this beautiful product — it's a Facial Treatment Oil — which is really super hydrating. I'll take that and a mask. Even though it's very boring, just try to drink water."

Liquid Vitamins Are the Secret to Glowing Skin

"I just started taking these really great skin vitamins. It's called Aethern. I've never heard of it before, but someone recommended it to me. It's a liquid vitamin. I do think it's what you ingest. I've always been very big on my kids taking vitamins, but I often forget myself."

Take Probiotics For a Healthy Gut

"The health of your gut is really, really important. To help your gut, take a probiotic — that's a thing I take. Some people can eat pizza, and it's fine for them. Everybody's systems are different. Some people don't do well with red meat, and some people need red meat. It completely depends on your body type and your blood type. What I would say is good for everybody is taking a probiotic; if your gut is healthy, then you're more likely to have healthier skin."

Eliminate Coffee For Better Skin

"I find it very hard to be without coffee. Forget my skin care ritual — that's my wake-up ritual! I know when I don't have coffee my skin is much better."

Massage Your Face to Chill Out

"Life's very stressful — no matter what you do, no matter where you live. Particularly the world now is going to hell in a handbag. Do anything you can to help relieve that stress. For me, my luxury is having a massage. I'll always ask them to massage my face. Anything that increases the blood circulation to relax your face [is good], because we carry so much stress in our face. You can always tell when someone has either had sex or gone on a holiday, because their skin looks better and their face is relaxed."