7 Real People Show How They Finally Managed Their Acne With Accutane

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Imgur User

If you've ever suffered from severe acne, you know how frustrating — and even depressing — managing your complexion can be. The blemishes can also be painful and, even worse, resistant to both over-the-counter treatments and prescription medication. In these instances, some dermatologists will prescribe Accutane, a form of vitamin A that limits the amount of sebum produced by the skin's oil glands and reduces blemishes.

For some folks, this drug works miracles. Many people have shared their experience and before-and-after photos from their time on Accutane on Reddit and Imgur, explaining how it has improved their lives.

Though it is effective, those considering taking it should heavily evaluate all their options with a dermatologist before getting a prescription for Accutane. It's a very powerful drug that can cause severe birth defects, and can also affect your mood, vision, and appetite. But if you're struggling with severe acne and looking to make a dramatic change, the following (incredible!) skin transformations may inspire you. Read on and click through each gallery and prepare to be amazed.