This Is How Your Old Mascara Wands Can Help Animals in Need

POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio
POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio

Once our favorite mascara dries out, it's deemed useless and typically lands itself in the garbage can (unless you're a certified makeup hoarder who never throws anything out). But we finally found a way to put our old mascara wands to good use, and the best part is, it's for animals! The Appalachian Wildlife Refuge in North Carolina has asked for donations of specific items ahead of the opening of a new facility for injured and orphaned animals.

Among those items: clean mascara wands. Savannah Trantham, a wildlife refuge worker, explained how these seemingly useless old brushes can actually be great for animals. "We use mascara brushes to help remove fly eggs and larva from the fur of animals," she wrote on Facebook. "They work great because the bristles are so close together!" To clean the wands, just run them under hot water and clean with soap, and then send to the Appalachian Wild address.

This is such a great cause, and we definitely have some old brushes that can help these animals.