3 Ways to Keep Your Newly Waxed Skin Glowing While on Vacation

The perfect getaway is all about letting go of your inhibitions, channeling your inner confidence, and letting your most beautiful self shine through. A big part of prepping for vacation is making sure your skin is beautiful, bare, and hair-free. When you're on a trip, you want to feel sexy. The last thing you want is to worry about covering up! Take a proactive approach to making your pre-getaway wax treatment — and your confidence — last. Ahead are three things you can do to keep your skin looking and feeling beautiful so you can focus on what really matters — having a good time.

Exfoliate to prevent ingrown hairs
POPSUGAR Photography | Maria Del Rio

Exfoliate to prevent ingrown hairs

Using a gentle body exfoliating gel once or twice a week will not only help to clear pores and prevent hairs from getting trapped beneath the surface of the skin but will also help to keep hairs growing back in the right direction. After exfoliating, follow up with ingrown hair wipes, which reduce buildup and prevent ingrown hairs from forming in the first place. You'll be feeling more confident in no time.

Moisturize to keep skin smooth
ShopStyle Photography

Moisturize to keep skin smooth

Dry skin can be a major bummer, and you want to look and feel your best. Since physical and chemical exfoliating can be rough on the skin, make sure to moisturize frequently with body lotion to soothe any redness or inflammation and keep skin silky smooth and gorgeous.

Expertly camouflage unwanted strays
POPSUGAR Photography | Maria Del Rio

Expertly camouflage unwanted strays

If your eyebrow hairs are starting to peek through, a bit of strategically applied makeup will help conceal unwanted strays. Use a brow gel to shape and groom hairs into place, and then dab and blend brow highlighter above and below your desired shape. Crisis averted! Now you can enjoy your vacation to the fullest, worry-free.

More From European Wax Center

Watch this video for more inspiration from European Wax Center

Expertly camouflage unwanted strays
POPSUGAR Photography | Maria Del Rio