Celestial-Chic Star Freckles Are the Perfect Trend For Festival Season

We've seen glittery freckles on the high-fashion runways, and we've even seen women try their hand at complex galaxy freckles, but the latest makeup trend is perfect for anyone: star freckles.

This celestial-chic beauty movement is completely taking over social media, in part because it's so simple; just adhere star confetti to your cheeks and nose with cosmetic glue, or use a star-shaped eyeliner stamp ($12). The colors, patterns, and "freckle" sizes are totally up to you β€” even though it looks like astronomy, there's no science to star freckles!

Get inspired by these gorgeous real-life examples of star freckles just in time for festival season (or your next viewing of Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century). Which ones are you dying to replicate in your own beauty routine?