The '70s Music Playlist I Have on Repeat Has Officially Influenced My Beauty Routine

My fiancé and I love '70s music — maybe even more than anything that's come out since we started dating. It's one of the first things we bonded over; he sweetly shared a playlist with me during one of our very first dates, and it's been a favorite since.

Those '70s songs have been on repeat even more recently though. We're in the final stages of prepping for our wedding, and the tunes are a major inspiration in the vibe of our celebration.

I always knew our love for '70s music would be a part of our big day somehow, but over the past few months, I've started to notice just how much it's influenced my beauty routine too.

I've had bangs and long hair (à la Joni Mitchell) for a while now, but I've recently started playing up the cut's vintage vibes even more. I used to ask for face-framing angles and some layers at the salon, but I've been opting for blunt cuts and super-straight blowouts.

My salon appointments consist of me telling my stylist to trim "basically nothing" off in order to keep my hair as long as possible. As you might have guessed, my inspiration is Cher, and my hair is parted in the center.

When my eyebrow-grazing bangs get a little too long and I can't get to the salon for a trim, I part them in the center and blow them out to the sides for a feathery, curtain bangs flip. Both of these hair moments have been paired with natural, rosy makeup or pastel shadows covering my entire lid and fluttery lashes.

I've also been drawn to makeup inspired by the disco era. Jewel-toned shadows in shimmery shades and gemstones have been dominating my shopping cart. While I don't think I'll wear them to my wedding, my honeymoon may be the perfect occasion.

Maybe I've always gravitated toward '70s beauty and I just never noticed it. My love of '70s fashion has always been apparent to me. Dramatically wide-leg jeans have been my pants of choice for years — long before that whole "skinny jeans are out" debate, and I have to force myself to leave a crochet dress behind while shopping. (If this is your weakness as well, I do not suggest visiting Zara's website right now.)

We're also planning on playing 2000s pop at our wedding, so who knows, maybe butterfly clips are in my future.