Can't Find Your Hot Rollers? You Can Actually Curl Your Hair With Marshmallows

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An array of DIY methods for curling hair has emerged in the beauty community. Tampons, socks, and pencils have all been used as substitutes for traditional curling irons. Until now, we thought we'd seen it all when it came to strange alternatives. Leave it to Bunny Meyer (known on YouTube as Grav3yardgirl) to take the trend to the next level.

Bunny has a popular series of videos where she tests out weird beauty products, but what starts out as a "Does this product work?" video ends up going in a different direction when she doesn't have the curlers necessary to try out a hair dryer bonnet. Looking around for an alternative, Bunny finds marshmallows. Despite her better judgment, she decides to use the sugary treats like hot rollers (after all, they're the same shape!).

It seems like a bad idea to stick a sugary snack in your hair and then apply heat, but Bunny is committed to showing her viewers the best and worst of beauty. To our surprise, the hack works quite well and results in gorgeously glossy ringlets! That said, we can only imagine what marshmallows would do to our locks in the Summer humidity (though maybe the sugar would add a bit of hold?). Watch this video and try not to laugh while Bunny worries that her hair will take on the texture of s'mores.