Nikki Wolff on Becoming KVD Beauty's Global Lead: "I Get to Live My Childhood Fantasy"

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If you've seen impeccably applied graphic eyeliner, perfectly brushed up brows, and flawless, radiant skin on Instagram, the chances that it was the work of Nikki Wolff is highly likely. For her 1.7 million Instagram followers, the London-based makeup artist regularly posts soothing Sunday makeup tutorials, backstage access to her various creative photoshoots, and looks from her A-list celebrity clientele.

Now, to add to her already impressive portfolio, Wolff is stepping into the role of KVD Beauty's global creative lead. In this position, Wolff will help to create brand content, work on upcoming campaigns, and have a hand in product development. To celebrate the exciting partnership, POPSUGAR spoke with Wolff about what this new adventure has in store.

POPSUGAR: Firstly, congrats on your new role as KVD Beauty's global creative lead. Could you tell us why you were excited to partner with the brand?

Nikki Wolff: I've always been a big fan of the brand. I love the fact that they create products that are high-pigment, high-performance, and makeup-inspired — it really rings true to how I do things. There's a lot of artistry inspiration behind the KVD Beauty products. Also, love the fact that it's vegan and cruelty-free and really cares about the planet on so many different levels. So it just felt like a really good match for my own values.

"This is such a dream role for me to be able to get involved in that side of it and live my childhood fantasy."

PS: What are you looking forward to the most about for your new role with the brand?

NW: Gosh, there are so many things I'm excited about. [I'm] really looking forward to creating some strong campaigns for the brand and some beautiful content; I'm super excited to help with new product development and the creation of new things that are going to be coming out. Having my little say and opinion on those things is really amazing because I've been lucky enough to be able to test and try so many different products from across so many different brands — I really have a strong idea of exactly how a product should be and exactly what I like.

PS: That's so exciting, what a dream come true to sit in the lab and dream up your perfect products.

NW: My mom always tells me the story of when I was a little girl, [just] five years old — I used to sit and mix things together, which would be paint, lip balm, and yogurt, or whatever I could get my hands on. I used to try and make different kinds of makeup. So, this is such a dream role for me to be able to get involved in that side of it and live my childhood fantasy.

Mateusz Sitek

PS: What was your first memory of using KVD Beauty or the first product that you remember adoring?

NW: One, in particular, is the Tattoo Liners ($21). I'm such a big liquid-liner fan, and I use it on almost all the looks I do in lots of different ways to create all sorts of shapes. I remember trying the Tattoo Liner for the first time and just being blown away by the performance and the durability with the finish being so opaque and black. It was everything I'd looked for in a liquid liner.

"You shouldn't have to compromise on that performance and product delivery."

PS: If there was one thing that you would love people to know about KVD Beauty that maybe they don't, what would it be?

NW: It's really important that people know not only are the products high performance (there are plenty of award-winning products), but the brand is also cruelty-free, vegan, cares about the planet, and is sustainable. All of those things really are necessary; they shouldn't just be a bonus in cosmetics today. You shouldn't have to compromise on that performance and product delivery.

PS: Could you tell us a bit about the new KVD Beauty ModCon Blush formula?

NW: You're going to love it — it literally embodies that modern dewy, jelly-looking skin. It's super hydrating and gleaming; it looks like a natural flush on well-moisturized, plump skin. It also feels like a second skin when it's on because it's so hydrating at the same time.

KVD Beauty

PS: What's your favorite way to apply the ModCon Blush?

NW: I love using a brush to apply everything — that's just my go-to. I feel that I have a little bit more control when I'm using brushes to buff, blend, and press product into the skin. I think if you're not a blush fan but you want to dabble, then you can use it with your fingers. Just press a little onto the skin and then blend [it] out with a couple of fingers. It's so easy to use and it gives you a really seamless finish, whatever your application.

PS: Yeah, we're definitely more in the whack it on with our fingers camp, if we're honest.

NW: Fingers are just quick and easy. How I do my own makeup is quite different to how I do makeup on other people. Often when it's myself, fingers get involved. It's like, 'How quick can I get it on my face before my little boy throws toys and starts to scowl?' It's a very different experience to actually sit in my makeup chair.

PS: Dewy skin is something you've totally mastered. What are your go-to products and application techniques for getting that really hydrated, glossy base for all of your looks?

NW: Prepping the skin is really important — using primers, etc. But also, it needs to carry through into the foundation because you can undo all of that good work you've put into getting this beautiful dewy base if you're applying the wrong foundation on top, which is why I'm such a huge fan of the new Good Apple Foundation ($38) — that one that was a sensation on TikTok. It has a super-unique texture. There aren't many things like it on the market; it's super full-coverage but really natural-looking and it doesn't get cakey at all. It's glossy on the skin, so you can wear it as a satin finish if you use powder on top, or you can have it as a dewy finish. It's my go-to at the moment for everyone's skin.

PS: Do you have any unconventional uses for some of the KVD Beauty products?

NW: When I first received the Super Pomade Vegan Eyeliner, Shadow & Brow Pigment ($20), I remember thinking that it was a brow pomade designed to create colorful brows. But actually, I use the product as an eyeshadow base and to create super-creative, colorful looks. It's an incredible high-pigment, waterproof formula that's really long-lasting; it blends seamlessly on the skin. That's become one of my go-to staple products because you can just use them as a wash of color on the lids, as a primer on the lids, or to create really strong editorial looks. It can also be used like as blush or you can put them through your brows. It's so versatile, which I love.