You're Not Going to Believe All the Beauty Benefits of These Seasonal Fruits

POPSUGAR Photography | Jen Kay

You know all those pomegranates, apples, cranberries, and figs currently stacked in your fruit bowl? They aren't just a delicious addition to your morning yogurt or seasonal dessert. They each also happen to be packed with surprising health benefits that can seriously up your beauty game. Who knew popping pomegranate seeds could be contributing to your glowing skin? Ahead, we dove into all the good-for-you elements your favorite Fall fruits have to offer — just another reason for you to indulge!

Try cranberries for lustrous hair
POPSUGAR Photography | Jen Kay

Try cranberries for lustrous hair

If you want long, shiny hair, cranberries are your go-to. They're full of vitamin A, which helps hydrate hair and prevent moisture loss, as well as vitamin E, which promotes hair growth and prevents breakage.

Try pomegranates for glowing skin
POPSUGAR Photography | Jen Kay

Try pomegranates for glowing skin

Want luminous skin? Pomegranates are rich in polyphenol antioxidants that combat free radicals (those pesky oxygen particles that are believed to age your skin) and boost blood flow for a bright and youthful glow. They also contain punicic acid, which helps hydrate skin and prevent moisture loss.

Try apples for healthy hair, nails, and teeth
POPSUGAR Photography | Jen Kay

Try apples for healthy hair, nails, and teeth

Apples are chock-full of vitamin C, which strengthens hair and nails and promotes growth. In addition, simply chewing an apple contributes to oral health: it stimulates the gum and reduces buildup of cavity-causing bacteria.

Try figs for a clear complexion
POPSUGAR Photography | Jen Kay

Try figs for a clear complexion

For a complexion boost, turn to figs. They're packed with magnesium, which helps keep hormonal acne in check, along with vitamin B, which can reduce redness and inflammation. Plus, they help flush out toxins for clearer skin.

More from Garnier Whole Blends

More from Garnier Whole Blends

Get the scents of these great ingredients from Garnier Whole Blends, a collection that includes signature natural blends of wholesome ingredients combined with sensorial fragrances chosen to care for your hair. With a vibrant fragrance of argan oil and cranberry, the Color Care collection brings to life wholesome care that protects color and enhances radiance. Find your blend.