6 Key Mistakes You Might Be Making With Concealer

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It's not just enough to spend five minutes a day applying your makeup: you need to make sure you have the right products, tools, and techniques to make the most of your look. While concealer might seem simple, there's actually more to it than you think. When it comes to finding the perfect concealer for your skin and complexion, it's all about trial and error to see what works and what doesn't. You should also visit a makeup artist for advice if you're struggling to pick your favorite. Here are the worst mistakes you could be making when putting on concealer in the morning.


Not Testing Products First

"One should always test a concealer out in the store. Most places have testers where you can try the concealers before choosing one," says Dr. Debra Jaliman, a board-certified NYC dermatologist, assistant professor of Dermatology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and author of the book Skin Rules: Trade Secrets from a Top New York Dermatologist.

"Some people have sensitive skin or have skin conditions such as acne
and rosacea, and certain concealers can aggravate those conditions," she says, so it's best to be careful before purchasing aimlessly.


Not Picking the Right Shade

"If one chooses a shade that's too light, you'll look ghostly and it will actually make the area stand out even more. If you go a shade too dark you'll be doing the opposite of what you are trying to achieve," says Jaliman. Quite the problem here.

"The area will be more pigmented than the rest of your skin," she says.

For the under-eye area, you should choose a shade of concealer that's no more than one or two shades lighter than your natural skin tone, she says. For your face, choose a concealer that matches the color of your foundation.


Not Choosing the Right Formula

Skin types differ, and the concealer should match. "There are different types and textures of concealers that are meant to work with specific skin types," says Jaliman. If
you have dry skin, you should look for concealers that are hydrating. People with very dry skin should also stay away from concealers that have a matte finish, as they will only make the skin look less hydrated, she says.

"You should look for cream concealers if you have dry skin," she says, adding, "liquid concealers are better for people with oily skin because they are lighter in texture."


Not Prepping Skin

"Exfoliating on a regular basis is crucial for getting rid of dead skin cells that accumulate and don't let makeup go on smoothly," says Jaliman. Using a primer after you moisturize your face can help you get your skin ready for concealer, foundation, and makeup application.

"Using a primer will allow the concealer and makeup to also stay on longer, and it also gives your face a smooth canvas to work on," she says.


Not Using the Right Tools

It's best to use a makeup sponge or a beauty blender when applying concealer. "You can use that to even out your concealer as well," says Jaliman. "Make sure the makeup sponge is clean and damp, then dab it over the concealer until it is blended. Using a damp sponge doesn't allow too much concealer to penetrate the sponge, and you will have more on your face and less penetrating in the sponge."

Most liquid concealers come with a brush wand, and it's fine to use that, but according to Jaliman, to get a smooth application, it should be blended with a sponge or beauty blender.


Using Too Much

You can go overboard with the concealer, and it won't make your makeup look "natural," as you'd prefer. "If too much concealer is applied, it will bunch up in the fine lines and wrinkles and make the skin look cakey and make wrinkles look more pronounced," says Jaliman.

What's more, "when you have a breakout, it is not best to pile on the concealer, as much as you may want to. The most important portion of controlling a breakout is not only letting your skin get the moisture and medicine it needs to clear, but also finding the proper way to disguise it if you are on the go," says Rachel Rosenberg, makeup stylist at Benefit Salon on Armitage.

"Usually, the best and most effective way to conceal breakouts is to lightly dab the concealer onto the affected area and blend lightly outward. This is accomplished very well with aerated products, such as Benefit's Boi~ing Airbrush Concealer ($20)."

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