This Is What Glossier's New Lash Slick Mascara Looks Like on 5 Editors

POPSUGAR Photography | Alaina Demopoulos

One of the brands my friends consistently pester me about is Glossier. The minimalist beauty and skincare line has garnered its fair share of hype through releasing cult-favorite items such as the arch-enhancing Boy Brow, chemical exfoliant Solution, and — my personal favorite — the cheek color Cloud Paint (give me cream blush or give me death!). Whenever there is a new Glossier drop, I become a very popular lady, with texts coming out of the woodwork asking, "Is this worth it?" So, I present to you: "Should I Buy This Glossier Product: Lash Slick Mascara Edition — This Time It's Personal."

People can get very emotional over a mascara; once you find one, it's easy to dismiss all others. Here's the case for Lash Slick ($16): the brand says it took 18 months, 248 tries, and a trip to Tokyo to get the formula just right. Glossier dubbed this the mascara that does "what Boy Brow does for your brows, but for your lashes." It's long-lasting and water-resistant, so while I wouldn't advise you to swan dive into a pool with it on, it just might last you through a moving wedding toast.

The formula is made of Japanese fiber technology, which is tiny curved fibers that cling onto your lashes and don't let go, kind of like me copping discounted sundresses at a crowded sample sale. There's also some Vegan Biotin in the house, which works as a conditioning treatment, plus natural polymers to provide the black pigment. As the Biotin implies, this item is cruelty-free, hypoallergenic, and safe for contact-lens wearers.

But all that means very little until you see Lash Slick in action, so take a gander at it on five of our very own POPSUGAR editors ahead.

POPSUGAR Photography | Alaina Demopoulos
POPSUGAR Photography | Alaina Demopoulos

"If any millennial beauty brand knows its consumer, it's Glossier, so it's no surprise this formula was made with the Glossier girl in mind. It's all length, but little to no volume. One coat leaves you with that "your lashes but slightly better" look, which is perfect if all you need is a little oomph. I have a lash perm and actually love how naturally elongated it makes my lashes look, but it's not something I'd reach for every day. If you like big lashes, I'm sorry to say this is probably not the formula for you." — Carrie Carrollo, assistant beauty editor, Native Content

POPSUGAR Photography | Alaina Demopoulos

"I love how much it lengthens and separates my lashes. It feels like I'm not wearing anything on my lashes, which is great if you're going for a subtle look. The bristles on the wand are perfect to give your lashes that extra oomph everyone is always looking for in a mascara." — Celia Fernandez, assistant editor, Trending and Latina

POPSUGAR Photography | Alaina Demopoulos

"First: yes, they're real. No enhancements, no serums, no curlers. (Hey, some people get genius IQs; I got long lashes.) I joke that Glossier is a brand made for the pretty person — someone who needs slim to no makeup to begin with. They are the literal embodiment of 'I woke up like this.' I, on the other hand, am a 'more is more' person in that I want to wear makeup and it behooves me to do so. I was a little skeptical with this mascara because, although many things about it align with what I look for in lash products — it lifts, washes off easily, and sculpts each individual lash — the promo behind the mascara worried me. 'Expect to hear a lot more "your lashes look good" and less "what mascara are you wearing?"' said the strictly embargoed email. Given I want my lashes to be noticed from here to Venus, I relish when someone asks me about my mascara. Can you see the problem?

All that said, I was surprised by Lash Slick. It separates each lash, and it elongates with fibers but doesn't flake; I feel like my lashes are definitely noticeable, but not overly so. I'm wearing two coats in the photo, and given the response from my coworkers, this millennial pink tube will be my new no-makeup-makeup mascara for errands, the office, and the gym." — Kirbie Johnson, host and senior video reporter

POPSUGAR Photography | Alaina Demopoulos

"I'm pretty impressed with this mascara. It's extremely lengthening in a way that looks really natural. If you want to look like you're not wearing any makeup but still enhance your features, this mascara would be a great choice." — Sarah Siegel, assistant editor, Beauty and Shop

POPSUGAR Photography | Alaina Demopoulos

"All of my mascaras need to pass one crucial test: can I apply this while standing on a crowded 6 train without (a) poking my eye out and (b) looking like Taylor Swift sobbing in the 'Blank Space' music video? Glossier came through: I swiped on this skinny applicator while hanging from a commuter's pole, and not only did I come out of the experience with both eyes intact, but I got a few compliments as well! My lunch date kept asking me what mascara I was wearing, and I had so much fun not telling him because I was legally obliged to keep mum until the embargo dropped. While the effect isn't total va-va-va-voom glamour girl (this is Glossier we're talking about, after all), I think this low-key look makes my eyes look bigger, and damn if my separated arches don't look like Twiggy's in the '60s." — Alaina Demopoulos, editorial assistant, Beauty