Rolfing: No, It's Not Internet Slang

Rolfing isn't what you think; I promise. Although the word sounds unfortunately like what can happen during a bout of nausea, Rolfing is actually a deep-tissue technique (practitioners don't call it massage) named after its creator, Dr. Ida P. Rolf. Rolf's lightbulb moment came when she realized that while traditional massage treats all the body's parts separately, those parts are actually all held together by connective tissue, so adjusting any one muscle indirectly adjusts them all.

In order to relieve stress and pain and relax muscles, Dr. Rolf worked with connective tissue to realign the entire body. Although Rolfing itself has never quite seemed to make it onto mainstream spa menus, many of its techniques have — and Rolf's ideas about connective tissue have contributed to our modern, more holistic view of massage and body care and, ultimately, help keep us looking and feeling more beautiful.

Celebrity Rolfing fans include Greta Garbo, Princess Diana, Courtney Love, and even Sting. Is this a treatment you would be interested in seeking out?