The 26 Most Inspirational Quotes From POPSUGAR Play/Ground 2018

Getty | Astrid Stawiarz

Last year's POPSUGAR Play/Ground was filled with badass women offering advice, lessons, and relatable anecdotes. Mindy Kaling and Kate Hudson gave inspiring talks about life, parenting, and dominating their careers; fitness queen Kayla Itsines led us all in some butt-kicking morning workouts; and we all fell in love with performers like Tinashe, Amanda Seales, Candice Patton, and so many more. We're already gearing up for POPSUGAR Play/Ground 2019, our second year of the event, where attendees will find motivation and inspiration from another exciting lineup of bold, strong, accomplished women. The two-day event will be packed with experiences designed to celebrate your happiest, healthiest, most authentic self. Can't wait for the inspiration to start? Neither can we, so we've rounded up the best quotes from last year to remind us all just how powerful women can be. Check them out now, and keep following POPSUGAR in the coming weeks to get more details on POPSUGAR Play/Ground 2019.

Kate Hudson on Finding Balance

"A wise man once said to me, while talking about the pyramid of life, that at the top of the pyramid is your physical/mental health, and then it goes down to your relationship with your partner, your relationship with your kids underneath that, then your family at large, your career, and, lastly, community at large. As you look at this pyramid, you realize that when your physical/mental health is being taken care of, it lets the rest of the pyramid exist in great ease." — Kate Hudson

Mindy Kaling on Throwing Out Your Life Checklist

"Once I graduated from college, I would make a checklist like, 'I'm going to get married at 24, I'm gonna have all my kids by 30, their names are going to be Angelica, Ethan' — I had the whole thing mapped out in my brain, and I'm a 38-year-old single mom . . . Having structure and ambition is really helpful to some people, and it was very helpful to me when I was young, but it wasn't until recently that I was like, 'I just need to let all of it go and be OK with it.'" — Mindy Kaling

Yara Shahidi on Political Change

"I turn to my peers, turn to my mentors, turn to people who inspire me, and look at everything that they've accomplished . . . And look at the fact that, even if it's small changes, changes are being made nonetheless. If we allow that to stop ourselves . . . if we allow that to really push pause on the activity that we're doing because, 'What's the point?,' well, then nothing's going to change because we do have to look at all the movements of the past and [consider] the fact that without any of those movements, we wouldn't be at least where we are here today." — Yara Shahidi

Kayla Itsines on Finding Workout Inspiration

"On days where I know I'm just actually being lazy, I go onto Instagram, I see all you ladies and all your amazing transformations — you guys inspire me every day." — Kayla Itsines

Arianna Huffington on Limiting Screen Time

"Of course we love our screens. We love what the technology makes possible in our lives. All we are talking about here is making sure that we use screens intentionally and don't lose ourselves scrolling down rabbit holes. There are sort of simple guidelines. After a period of time on screen, 20 minutes, for example, look up. Look away from the screen. Take a few seconds. And that makes a big difference. We're learning that in so many ways. We are recommending these daily pauses in our day, whether it's to breathe consciously, or to look far away from your screen, or to remember what you are grateful for." — Arianna Huffington

Tiffany Haddish on Finding Her Happy

"When you can look in the mirror and enjoy what you see, and also when you walk out the door, you are doing what you love. I'm definitely doing that. Except for this eyebrow. I don't like this one eyebrow. But otherwise, I'm happy!" — Tiffany Haddish

Model Jillian Mercado on Being a Magical Unicorn

"I would always zoom in on everything on my own body, because I felt that I was dealt a bad hand. [But now I realize] I'm that f*cking Uno card — the plus four or wild card or whatever — where you can pick whatever color you want. I'm a magical unicorn. And everyone can be this magical unicorn. If everyone just understood that, the possibilities are endless." — Jillian Mercado

Kate Hudson on Surving Her 20s

"What drove me crazy in my 20s is when people tried to tell me what to do in my 20s. I wanted to do what I wanted, and if I made mistakes, then I would learn. My advice would be to not let people tell you what you should or should not be doing. Just do what works best for you. Your 20s are going to be filled with mistakes, and as long as you don't hurt yourself or others (breaking a couple of hearts or having your heart broken here and there will happen), I say experiment and see what works for you." — Kate Hudson

CoverGirl SVP Ukonwa Ojo on Fitting In

"My advice to young women is a lot of times earlier in your career, you work so hard to fit in somewhere. What I'd say is use all that energy to find where you fit. My fundamental belief is that within who you are is everything you need in order to be successful at what you're supposed to do." — Ukonwa Ojo

Mindy Kaling on Loving Your Body

"The body you hate now will be the body you wish you still had in 15 years. Treat it nicely." — Mindy Kaling

Comedian Amanda Seales on Speaking the Truth

"You may not like how I'm saying something, but you know what the f*ck I'm saying. I don't speak no sh*t unless I know. Free speech doesn't mean freedom to talk out your ass without being checked. And I don't talk out my ass. I know what I'm talking about it. I didn't shade you. The facts shaded you." — Amanda Seales

Actress Candice Patton on the Benefits of Failing

"In my 20s, I wanted everything so bad. I wanted success and love and the whole package right away, but there's something very powerful about adversity and failing. I think one of the greatest things that's ever happened to me is not having things when I wanted them. It taught me perseverance and strength, and by the time I did have my career and my success, I was extremely grateful for it." — Candice Patton

Kate Hudson on Finding Happiness

"I always say that happy is subjective. For me, I think that my happiness comes from feeling an internal sense of freedom. To me, finding that takes effort and some hard internal work, but when you really feel freedom, there's nothing like it!" — Kate Hudson

Kayla Itsines on Checking In With Your Body

"If I don't feel motivated to get out of bed, I don't. I listen to my body. If I wake up and I feel like crap, I actually think about, 'Why do I feel like crap?'" — Kayla Itsines

Mindy Kaling on the Problem With Princesses

"The Little Mermaid is a little problematic to me. I love the songs, I love the crab, Ursula the sea witch is a great character, but it bums me out looking back on it because she gave up her voice and left her family and friends in pursuit of a man. And she's 16 years old. When my daughter and I watch it together and she gets older, I'll still let her watch it, but I'll have to do the running commentary of like, 'You don't have to be mute to attract a man and get all your dreams to come true. It's fine! The people in your life who are your enemies are not just an older woman who's jealous of your beauty. The ultimate dream in life is not to become married to a white prince.'" — Mindy Kaling

Tiffany Haddish on Finding Your Passion

"Figure out what it is you love to do, do it, and figure out how to make money at it." — Tiffany Haddish

Arianna Huffington on the Gift of Heartbreak

"Everything that happened in life — my children, the 15 books I wrote, the Huffington Post — everything happened because a man wouldn't marry me. Remember that, where there is a heartbreak, there may be something wonderful beyond that door that would not have happened if you had gotten what you wanted. Live life as though everything is rigged in your favor, even when you don't recognize the gift." — Arianna Huffington

Tinashe on Focusing on Fulfillment

"I think finding your happy is about focusing on your true self and making sure you are fully fulfilled from all aspects of you, what you brings you peace, what just makes you feel great at the end of the day. I think there are days when I struggle with that, but I think for the most part, I am in touch with what keeps me grounded: family, a great sense of a home base, knowing where I've come from, exercise, being outside, limiting my social media use, and having good people around me." — Tinashe

Kate Hudson on Insecurities

"I feel like people who say they don't have insecurities are robots — everyone has insecurities. If I'm feeling insecure, I dig a little deeper and ask myself, 'Why do I feel this way?' to see where this is coming from, because it's never really what you think it is. Insecurity is always something that's going to be bigger than being able to just 'pump yourself up' with a quick fix. You have to pinpoint why you feel this way, and once you do, the way to 'pump yourself up' is by realizing that it is not the story of your life." — Kate Hudson

Model and Day/Won Founder Candice Huffine on Winning Every Day

"We [at Day/Won] are all about winning your day, whatever that looks like for you. At the end of the day, you ask yourself, how was my day won? You should do whatever it is that makes you feel your best." — Candice Huffine

Mindy Kaling on Spreading Self Love

"People feel uncomfortable around women who don't hate themselves, but that's their issue, not yours." — Mindy Kaling

Actress Vanessa Morgan on Representing Diversity

"I personally believe that you fall in love with a person's soul regardless of their gender. I love people coming up to me and saying, 'Because of [Riverdale's Toni and Cheryl] I was able to come out to my family,' because I didn't have that growing up. I didn't have somebody that I could relate to being biracial. So I love that people can now see that and have somebody that they're like, 'Oh, that's like me.'" — Vanessa Morgan

Candice Patton on Following Your Dreams

"My dad has always said that [if] you find something you love to do, you'll never work a day in your life. They've always kind of pushed me to follow my dreams rather than to follow money or to follow something that was easy. I think that's part of why I'm successful. I did what I love and I kept doing it." — Candice Patton

Kate Hudson on Parenting Advice

"People talk all the time about how [my mom and I] are close. One of the reasons I am so close to my mom is that she gave me the freedom to let me be who I am, and giving advice is far from how she parented." — Kate Hudson

Jillian Mercado on the Beauty of Diversity

"I do not know who was the first person who said, 'Well, this is the model of what someone is supposed to look like.' I've always had trouble with that. Maybe it's because of my Dominican stubbornness and being a New Yorker and that we just give no f*cks, and because New York is diverse. I grew up walking two blocks and meeting all sorts of people from all over the world. And that itself is so beautiful." — Jillian Mercado

Mindy Kaling on the Real Benefit of Exercise

"I love exercise, but not for weight-loss reasons (I eat far too much for working out to make a dent in my weight!). I do it because I love the endorphins I get once I work out. So I try to get an endorphin rush before something I'm nervous for by going for a run." — Mindy Kaling

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