Blake Lively Steps Out to Celebrate a Very Special Occasion

Blake Lively may have a 9-month-old baby girl to take care of at home, but she deserves a night off every now and then. On Sunday, the actress stepped out to mark a very special occasion: the release of her friend's book! Blake took to Instagram to mark the event, outlining her three-step plan: look cute, eat copious amounts of food and pose with the book, and touch the book character's butt. We haven't seen a whole lot of Blake since she was on the promotional circuit for The Age of Adaline, but she's been giving us plenty to enjoy on Instagram, including a snapshot of her sun-filled Labor Day. Keep reading to see the thrilling three-part saga from Blake's night.

Instagram | blakelively

"The many steps of celebrating my best friend @lavieannrose 's book launch for Bright Lights Paris!!!: 1) have @rodortega4hair @ctilburymakeup and @enamelle kill it!! And then of course pose with the book. They know their angles"

Instagram | blakelively

"Step 2: get to the party, stuff your face with macaroons then, of course, pose with the book and its sexy author @lavieannrose and none other than @ofirajewelz"

Instagram | blakelively

"Finally, end the night squeezing the tush of a genius @osgemeos in an even more genius @annasammarone coat. Night complete. Pimped all my rides. All for Bright Lights Paris. The #2 travel & style book on Amazon (as @lavieannrose drops the mic) When I grow up I want to be her."