The "Apparently" Kid Knows Absolutely Nothing About the Word "Apparently"

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Prepare to absolutely adore Noah Ritter, the sweet 5-year-old boy who happily took the mic during a local Pennsylvania news segment — and then talked about his newfound fame with the Today show. For the news segment, Noah was asked about a ride at the county fair, and he stressed that he's never been on live TV before. He said, "Apparently sometimes I don't watch the news because I'm a kid, and apparently Grandpa just gives me the remote and I have to watch the Powerball." Asked again about the ride, Noah said, "It's great, because apparently you're spinning around, and apparently every time you get dizzy." By our count, there are eight "apparently" moments, and they're all adorable.

Noah's TV appearance quickly went viral, and on Wednesday, he talked to Today about the word "apparently" and his rise to Internet fame. "I don't know how to spell 'apparently,'" he said, adding, "I don't know what it means. But I use it in, 'Wow, this is apparently annoying.'" So how does he feel about the video going viral? Well, his feelings are mixed, but he said being in the spotlight is "like being in a thousand drops of heaven." Watch his original appearance in the news segment above, and then check out his sweet Today show interview below.