POPSUGAR's Celebrity Children Photo Policy: A Letter From Lisa

Dear Readers,

Over the years, we've had many internal conversations about our photo standards and the movement to change how the media covers celebrities' children. Stars like Jennifer Garner, Halle Berry, and Kristen Bell have been vocally championing this cause, and today we had a chance to speak with Kristen's team, a conversation we welcomed. As a mother of three girls, protecting my children is the most important job I have. Here at POPSUGAR, we have always prided ourselves on being a woman-friendly, mom-friendly, and safe environment for the celebrities we love to read about, interview, and support. With this in mind, we continually scrutinize and evolve our editorial standards, including standards on the photos we publish.

We do not believe that publishers should use photos of celebrities' children that are taken without the explicit or implicit knowledge and consent of their parents. This consent includes photos and videos shared on social media by a parent, photos taken at a public event, and photos that are otherwise endorsed by the family that we know our audience enjoys. Also, if the child is a public figure (actor, performer, or otherwise) or the images are part of an important news story, we may choose to publish photos as well. We appreciated hearing Kristen's point of view and look forward to more quality coverage of the celebrities we love.

Every day, our team of over 100 content creators — mostly women, many mothers — make many choices about the stories we create and the images we publish. We are learning and listening to you every day and want to continue to entertain and delight you with everything on POPSUGAR for many more years to come.

Lisa Sugar
Founder and Editor in Chief