It's a Boy! Former Kyle XY Star Matt Dallas and His Husband Have Adopted a Child

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Christmas came early for Matt Dallas. He and his husband, Blue Hamilton, have adopted their first child, a 2-year-old boy named Crow. The former Kyle XY star and his other half announced the exciting news in a YouTube video on Tuesday. Along with the sweet video that leads up to the big reveal, they wrote, "Ahh, the most wonderful time of the year. Indeed it is! This Christmas our wishes were granted beyond our wildest dreams."

Before introducing their little boy, Matt and Blue explain how they decided on adoption rather than surrogacy, saying, "We've been talking about having kids for a long time . . . so it was just a matter of when, timing-wise, and how. Of course, there was surrogacy, you can have your own [biological] kid, [or] private adoption . . . we spent nights, as we were going to bed, on our iPads, reading on different ways you can adopt. After spending some time researching it, we decided that we would go through the state." It's not long before the cute little guy bursts into the shot. Congratulations to the couple on their growing family!