Harry and Meghan's Morocco Tour Has Included So Many Sweet Moments With Kids

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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's miniature royal tour of Morocco is in full swing, and as ever, the two have been spending a lot of time getting to know the kids who have come out to greet them. Almost every royal engagement gives us a sweet moment between Harry, Meghan, and a group of kids or young people, and we've definitely had no shortage of those on this trip.

The royal tour included a trip to Asni, in the foothills of the Atlas Mountains, where Harry and Meghan met teenage girls from rural Morocco who stay at a boarding house in order to attend school nearby. Meghan received a bouquet of flowers from 16-year-old Hasnaa, and also got a henna flower tattoo on her right hand, in celebration of her pregnancy, courtesy of 17-year-old Samira.

But perhaps one of the sweetest moments came when the couple rushed over to greet two half-Moroccan, half-British girls who were nervously approaching, waving flags from both countries. After shaking their hands and asking their names, Harry commented on their matching red dresses, while Meghan allowed them to admire her henna. Tiny 2-year-old Rayhanna looked completely overwhelmed by the whole experience, as Meghan crouched down to her level.

A similar moment happened the following day, when two more girls were spotted with a banner and flowers, which they happily presented to Meghan as she stopped to say hi. See the sweet moment for yourself ahead, along with lots more pictures of Harry and Meghan with kids during their trip to Morocco.

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