How A Wrinkle in Time's Meg Inspires Ordinary Girls to Do the Extraordinary

This year, we all need a positive role model who inspires us to live our best lives, and no one is a better fit for the job than Meg of Disney's A Wrinkle in Time. The narrative follows Meg as she begins an interplanetary journey to save her father and simultaneously explore the universe. With her determination to save her family, her intelligence, and her wisdom, Meg serves as an excellent example of a fierce female who will go to great lengths for those she loves. Read on to discover why Meg is an inspiration for girls seeking to tap into their courage and strength.

Meg Looks Inward For Strength

Meg Looks Inward For Strength

Meg begins her journey as an average teenager whose father's disappearance has caused great instability in her life. As the narrative continues, Meg slowly learns to trust herself as she travels the galaxy alongside her brother, Charles Wallace, her friend, Calvin, and her celestial guides, The Mrs.'s. Meg's path to self-reliance serves as an excellent reminder that we can always look inward to find the support we need.

She Achieves the (Nearly!) Impossible to Save Her Family

She Achieves the (Nearly!) Impossible to Save Her Family

Meg's love for her little brother, Charles Wallace, inspires her to cross dimensions to ensure his safety. While Meg fears the influence of the dark forces that lie within the universe, her devotion to her brother triumphs in the end. Meg's determination and ultimately the strength of her emotions power her success. Meg's choices offer a reminder that love for family can inspire greatness in the face of adversity.

Meg Learns That Her Faults Are Actually Her Strengths

Meg Learns That Her Faults Are Actually Her Strengths

Inspired by her travels new friends, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which, Meg slowly begins to expand her worldview and embrace the unknown, squashing her prior fear of uncharted territory. Through her travels across time and space, Meg learns that standing apart from the pack is her secret weapon.

Meg Seeks Nonconformist Friends Who Share Her Values

Meg Seeks Nonconformist Friends Who Share Her Values

Meg's selection of companions, namely classmate Calvin and supernatural helpers Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which, demonstrates the character's precocious choice to befriend those who are supportive, brave, and smart, even if they don't conform to society's definition of "normal." As any teen can attest, choosing to own the status of "outsider" instead of attempting to win over the "in" crowd is a bold, and incredibly wise, choice.

Meg Is a Major Math Whiz (and Proud of It!)

Meg Is a Major Math Whiz (and Proud of It!)

Who knew math skills could be so handy?! Meg's intelligence and curiosity help her to examine the world around her and ultimately understand the concept of a tesseract, the "wrinkle" in space and time that allows interplanetary travel. Meg's thirst for knowledge allows her to understand the means of transportation and capitalize on it to save her father.

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